On The Table

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes the other day😊 I feel loved💕

Also 98% of this chapter is smut😼

*Viewer discretion is fucking advised*

AnnaLeigh Moore

"My Malfoy I-"

"Anybody home!" A sweet feminine voice echoed through out the halls as he immediately stepped away from me and cursed under his breath.

"She fucking let herself in!?" He whispered harshly as he turned back to me "You have to awake Scorpius"

"W- What for?" I was terrified to wake up Scorpius so soon. I had no where to go and I couldn't just sit at the table with him and act as tho nothings wrong.

"Kimberly and Bonnie are here for dinner" he said unfazed, turning his head to look towards the door as I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Bonnie is the one he fucking cheated on me with" i spat out, he turned his head and looked at me.

"Fuck- just stay in here" and before I could protest he was swooping past me and out the door–slamming it shut as he walked out.

Great. What am I supposed to do now? Sit here in this boring arse offical while he has dinner and drinks red whine with a lady?

Fuck that.

I went to reach for the door handle when the door swung open its self. Draco stood—looking frustrated he still held onto the door handle as he leaned forward.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he took in my, reaching for the door handle stance. I straightened my stance before clearing my throat.

"I don't wanna sit in this study while you drink wine with Kimberley" I stated simply as I crossed my arms over my chest.

Draco chuckled darkly before letting go of the door handle and standing up straight "So what were you planning on doing?"

My hard stance faltered for a second while I thought of what to say. He stood firmly as he waited for the words to drop from my mouth.

"I- I don't know" I shrugged my shoulders and re hardened my stance. He raised an eye brow at me as he took another step closer to me.

"So you were just gonna... disobey me?" He asked, frustrations and lust clearly evident in his tone.

I couldn't say anything. I gulped nervously as he Locked eye contact with me. All my ration thoughts disappeared. I felt my breathing hitch as his cold hand brushed against my face.

"Nothing goes well when you disobey me" he shook his head and trapped me in a harsh kiss. I gasped into his mouth as my hand naturally flew to wrap around his neck.

But before I could touch him, he pulled away.

"Don't fucking touch me. You don't have permission- this is a punishment" I whimpered slightly at the loss of Draco's warmth but then I took in the situation and realised where we were.

"Mr Malfoy-"

"It's Draco to you, fille précieuse (precious girl)" his French made me weak at my knees as I swallowed hard, a furious red tint on my cheeks.

"qu'en est-il de Kimberley et Bonnie? (what about Kimberley and Bonnie?)" I Lowered my tone as I stared out the open door.

"I sent them away, tu es plus important (you are more important)" his sentence sent butterflies into my stomach as I slowly nodded, carefully flicking my wrist to close the door with wandless magic.

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