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"Roommates..." Alex sighed

Nate gave her sister a funny look thinking about how it was her first day and her roommates were already giving her somewhat of a hard time, not that she minded though, "oh don't look at me like that," but Nathan couldn't help laughing, "alright, whatever, I'm tired of your shit. I'll see you later Nate" Alex shook her head as she walked away and as she did so did Sky with a frown on his face thinking about what he had just witnessed.

Alex went back to her dorm and saw Terra watering her plants, Musa in her room as she finished putting her things away as Bloom did exactly the same, and Aisha who was sitting on the couch talking with Terra

"Alex!" Terra noticed the brunette as she came through the door taking her headphones off her ears putting them on her neck, "hi guys" she smiled

Terra continued to water the plants in the common room before turning around to face Alex who sat on the couch in front of Aisha "How was your walk?"

"Not bad, this place is huge though"

"Right?" Bloom, who just came out of her room, joined the conversation "thank god Stella guided me to our dorm, cause if not I would've gotten so lost"

"Where is our dear princess anyways?" Alex wondered as she couldn't hear the blonde's thoughts anywhere near the suite

"She left a while ago, or something" Aisha shrugged leaning back onto the sofa

"Talking about leaving we should go if we want to make it to the orientation party" Musa added coming out of her room

"You guys go ahead, I'm going to take a quick shower," Alex said before leaving the common space headed to her shared bedroom


Alex entered the main hall where the party was taking place and the first thing she noticed was a crowd forming towards the end of the room, Alex approached the forming crowd and saw something she would've never expected to see, 

"and we're not sweet,  and most of all, we're not harmless" Terra said

Terra's eyes flashed green as vines made their way to Riven's neck choking him slightly, "huh, sorry? What was that Riv, I'm sure it's really funny but I can't quite hear it" and as Terra said that the vines abruptly let go of Riven's neck

"Oh, you're going to pay for this" Riven took a step forward but as he did Alex placed herself between Terra and him

"That's enough. You don't want to do this" Alex's eyes flashed red as she talked to Riven whose eyes also seemed to change to a shade of red

"I don't want to do this" he repeated

"Good, now walk away" and as Alex said that Riven turned around and walked away slowly as everyone watched

"That was awesome, thanks Alex" Terra thanked Alex for having her back before she walked away claiming that she had had enough of this party

Alex realized she didn't know anyone there and her roommates where no were in sight, Alexandra's head started hurting as the crowd of people was getting bigger. She could hear everyone's thoughts and it was getting exhausting, Alex decided to go sit on a bench in a quiet corner of the room where there was not much noise or people.

Without Alex noticing, a tall, blonde boy sat down next to her, at first she didn't seem to notice him until his thoughts reached Alex's mind. She turned around to see who it was and saw that it was the boy she had bumped into this morning "hi" he softly spoke


"I never got your name"

"Oh, right, I'm Alex"


"Interesting name"

"Thank you?" Sky said confused, not knowing if she meant it as a compliment or just a simple comment, to which Alex laughed lightly

'She's really cute'

Alex heard that thought loud and clear which made her smile and blush slightly but the moment was ruined as her headache started growing considerably larger. She sighed placing her head in her hands rubbing her temples, Sky seemed to get concerned by the state of the brunette next to him which was weird as he had only known her for a couple of hours

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞 ( winx fate)Where stories live. Discover now