XII. Ignorance Is Bliss

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Act 2, Scene 2

When I fled from the left-wing boy's dormitories, Julien was at the entrance with a faraway look in his eyes as he stared up at the sky. His beanie was a dark navy today and it dimmed the red of his cheeks.

"Hey," I said quietly, standing beside him. My interaction with Francis had stricken exhaustion deep in my bones.  "Have you seen Khaleel? I'm starting to think he's ignoring me."

Slowly, Julien lowered his head to meet my eyes. With his eyebrows pinched and lips pursed, he seemed conflicted. "I think that's for the best," he finally spoke.


"I just...I don't think you should see Khaleel anymore," he shrugged, as though casual. His voice was too level to be casual, though. His neck too stiff and his eyes refused to meet mine.

"What do you mean?"

"He's bad news, Lottie. You don't even know half of the stuff he's done. Do you-"

"You think he killed them, don't you?" I demanded as my breathing picked up. I forced my voice to remain even once again but my head swam dangerously with a wave of anger that simmered just below the surface. 

"I didn't say that," he bit out darkly. "I don't think he's a killer. God, Charlie, that's crazy. I just don't think he's good for you. Vincent Tate told me-"

"Vincent?" An incredulous laugh slipped from my lips. "Unbelievable. You can't tell me what to do, Julien."

He ran his hands along the skin of his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well, excuse me for trying to keep my little cousin safe."

I scoffed. "Is this the part where you put on your chainmail? Is it in your bag, Julien?" 

"Why are you so damn stubborn?" He raised his voice, chest rising and falling with a fit of deep and unrestricted anger.

"Why are you so damn easily led?" I retorted, equally as loud.

"How can you trust Khaleel and not me?" He yelled loudly, his arms up in the air as though conducting an orchestra. "I'm your cousin!"

"How can you trust Vincent and not me?"

He huffed a deep breath and the vein in his neck bulged. "Stop answering my questions with another question, Charlotte."

"Stop asking stupid questions, Julien."

He looked to the sky and shook his head slowly from side to side with his lips pulled into a mocking smile. The anger simmered deep beneath his skin and I felt the wave of it wash over me. "You're crazy. You're seriously crazy."

I rolled my eyes. "Fuck off, Julien."

When I spun around to leave, he grabbed my arm in his grip like steel. Julien had always been a little too rough around me, even as kids when we'd play in the river and he'd hold my head under for just a little too long.

"You know that I promised Henri," he pleaded. "I promised him I'd keep you safe before he left."

My nostrils flared but I closed my eyes and bit it back. Then, when I opened them again, they were ablaze with a sharp glare towards Julien.

"If Henri wanted me safe, he should've stayed around and looked after me himself."

I pulled my arm from his grip and marched away with no exact direction in mind, just allowing my body to take me where it wanted to. I walked off the fog that clouded my head from fury and frustration and grief.

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