Chapter 46

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That vague conjecture gradually surfaced again, but he didn’t dare to think too deeply about it.

Zhang Zhiyin secretly ran back to the base and told the canteen’s Master Wang to leave a bowl of spare ribs soup for Shang Si.

They successfully cleared up that factory a few days ago and it was considered a small feat. The General Manager had specially allowed them to enjoy a bowl of spare ribs soup today.

Zhang Zhiyin went back to his room to rest. When he woke up again, he was back in the real world.

It was the off-season recently, so there weren’t many things to do in the company and he could knock off work on time. Zhang Zhiyin reached home at 6 pm. He opened the game out of habit and ended up realizing there was a new update.

He then went to the forum and checked out the new content.

As everyone knew, if a show or animation wanted to be lengthened, give them more villains; if a game wanted to lengthen its life cycle, they could also add rely on adding more villain characters.

The final boss was Dr. Y, if Dr. Y was easily defeated, then this game would lose the majority of its interest; now, it was still very popular in the market, 123 Love Stories had just got its hands on this game, naturally, they would want to prolong its life cycle by creating more selling points.

So, taking advantage of the summer vacation, they launched a new information clip.

This time, the main opponent was a person with sinister intention lurking in the dark. Watching the struggle between Cloud Sky Alliance and Yu Huo Forces, they wanted to seize Dr. Y’s powers, become the supreme leader of the new world and transform the surviving humans into their slaves. Mutants were their masterpiece.

However, in Zhang Zhiyin’s current timeline, the Cloud Sky Alliance had yet to officially compete with the Yu Huo Forces, so it was still far away from those secret lurkers appearing. However, the mutants had already emerged and were spreading, presumably, these people had already begun lurking in the dark.

When Zhang Zhiyin finished his meal, the game had finished updating.

Facing the person silently waiting for him and looking at this familiar face, Zhang Zhiyin hesitated for a moment before he typed:

“Y, are you aware that I like you? Are you trying to deceive me by pretending to be Shang Si?”

After some pondering, he felt that it was just too ridiculous. Yin Nian was a person from that world, how could he know what had happened in the game; furthermore, guessing that the boss also liked you because you liked him and that he even specifically used a fake identity to accompany him was too narcissistic.

At the end of the world, having some secret rare manual book or power was a possibility, it’s not like every person that had extraordinary powers was Yin Nian.

Zhang Zhiyin frowned, pressed ‘enter’ and those words were deleted away one by one.

The Zhang Zhiyin who returned to <Tomorrow> was still absent-minded.

The incident of Shang Si and him sneaking to the city and encountering mutants had been discovered by the General Manager.

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