twenty eight

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"Luke?" I interrupt the silence that filled the car as we stood just looking at the house ahead of us. Luke's ex best friend house. He looked at me and nodded. "What did you write in the letter?" I ask shyly. I didn't want it to seem like I was invading his privacy.

"The truth." He simply mumbled after a long sigh. "I told her that I wasn't ready for relationships, that I just wanted to focus on the band and on our career. I apologized for the way I left the house that day because I should have never just walked away that angry with her, she can't control her feelings. I know that now." He elaborated, looking at me with a sly smile. "And I said that if there was someone that could change my mind about dating, it was her." He finished and a ping of jealousy filled my heart. "I didn't know you back then, I'm just trying to make it as real as possible. But now that I know you, it's completely different." He explained right away and my cheeks flushed bright red, realizing that he noticed the jealousy I was feeling.

"Ok." I simply replied, smiling at him.

I leaned myself towards him and gave him a tender hug, but, as we were separating our bodies, he kissed me so passionately, like I was a piece of glass that could break in his hands at any moment. I smiled between kisses before we were interrupted by a loud cough coming from the backseat. We both glared at Julie that made a vomiting sound.

"Are you ready?" I asked him quietly.

"I think so." He replied.

We kissed one last time before I exited the car that was parked behind some trees so that it was hidden from the people inside the house.

"So disgustingly cute." Julie mocked me making kissing sounds.

"Shut up, dummie." I push her slightly laughing when she continued to act out what she said was me and Luke.

We stopped in front of the house and before we could even press the bell ring, a guy Julie's age got out of the house. He looked at us confused and we just stood there for awhile because no one started talking.

"Hey Marcus." Julie finally broke the silence with a awkward smile.

"Hi Julie and... Lorelei?" He greeted us looking even more confused. I waved at him awkwardly.

"So uh... is your mum's name Kelani Williams?" Julie asked

"Yes. Why?" He crossed his arms, looking at us with one raised eyebrow.

"We kinda found a letter addressed to Kelani Williams in Julie's basement that was left by the band that used to rehearse there and we wanted to give it to her." I explain with a grin plastered on my face. Please just let us deliver the letter.

"And there's no other Kelani Williams?" He looked really defensive.

The kid was starting to get on my nerves. Is it so hard to jut call your mom and let us give her the letter? What a pain in the ass! And how am I suppose to explain that his mom's old dead best friend identified her on the pictures in her Facebook? That was going to be a fun reaction, that's for sure.

"Not in the area." I reply unsure.

"Look we are just trying to do a nice thing so if you could just call for your mother, it would be very nice." Julie suddenly says abruptly.

"Fine, whatever." The guy replied kinda shocked by her tone.

He went inside and in a few seconds, he came back with his mother. It was almost eight in the afternoon and my mom was definitely going to be asking me where I was driving around all day. The woman smiled kindly at us and invited us in but we quickly refused.

"We found this letter in my basement. It's addressed from Luke Patterson to you, his band used to rehearse there so I decided to try and find the person it belonged to." Julie explained using a super soft tone. It almost didn't sound like her.

"Oh." The woman simply mumbled grabbing the letter with a nervous expression.

"Who's Luke Patterson?" Marcus asked looking at his mom.

"An old friend." She smiled like she was lost in her thoughts. "Thank you so much." She turned her attention to us.

"We are happy to help." I replied.

She started reading the letter while her son tried to make out what the letter was about. Me and Julie looked at each other unsure if we should leave. Everybody just opens the letter right in front of us and we always get super awkward.
The woman smiled slightly and a single tear slipped down her cheek.
I looked at Julie and she nodded, agreeing that we should give her some space and alone time.

"We are going to go." I stutter slightly, not wanting to interrupt her moment.

"Thank you." She whispered one last time before me and Julie turned around and started walking towards the car.

Luke exited the vehicle and we hugged each other super tightly. I kissed him with all the love I felt for him since this was probably the last kiss we were going to share.

"I will never forget you." I whisper in his ear and I feel his arms squeezing me even tighter.

"I love you." He let slip. I distance myself from him with a smile dancing on my lips.

"I love you too." I reply and hug him, signaling Julie to join the hug.

In a few seconds, Julie's body collided with mine as Luke disappeared, crossing over.
I hug Julie tightly and we sob into each other's shoulders. They were gone. They were all gone.


AN The final chapter ahhhhh, there's just the epilogue next.
I hope you enjoyed the story and that I at least entertained your day for a little bit.
I love you guys sooooo much and I hope to see you in my next story ❤️

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