Hello Ballerina

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She's finally here

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She's finally here.

Big doe eyes shine like brilliant emeralds and widen at me as the little ballerina's blush lightens. "You're, Adeline, right?"

Those incredible eyes search mine and I chuckle, grabbing her bags as she watches me, poised and beautiful. "We were sent to pick you up, darlin. Joss thought we would be a good welcome party for you." I smirk and lift my brow as I stand at my full height, holding her gaze. "Unless you want to stay here?"

Addie stiffens and places her cool fingers on my dirt-covered arm and my stomach flips at the contact. My eyes dart behind her, glaring at Connor for trying to touch her. "You don't mind do ya, O'Connor?"

He backs away as I place my hand at the small of Addie's back. She relaxes a little and tries grabbing her bags from me but before her tiny fingers can touch them, I pull them back. Her eyes shoot up at me and I smirk, tossing the luggage over my shoulder.

"No worries, little dove. I've got ya."

She shrinks back in my hold with a shy dignified manner, making me chuckle. I tower over her. She's so delicate and I tilt my Stetson up, taking the opportunity to pay her back for thoroughly checking me out earlier.

She has a classic, understated beauty because she's simple. Rich black licorice locks are pulled back tight, making her clean face stand out, skin flawless and ivory. There's a soft pink, rosy color to her cheeks and her lips are pouty with a pretty bow shape to them.

My eyes roam down her figure. It's different from any woman I've been around, fragile, beautifully birdlike. Petite limbs yet muscular with a tiny waist that tapers in, showing off her gentle curves. "I think my hands could easily fit around that tiny waist of yours. You're a dainty thing."

There's a soft shyness to her, but her body's mannerisms and movements aren't. They're strong, elegant... bewitching. "You're a little paradox."

She stretches to her tiptoes and peers timidly at me from under sweeping lashes. "Paradox?"

My crooked smile heightens. "You look frail but up close I can tell you're anything but."


"Sorry, darlin, just thought I'd do some admiring of my own."

My eyes slide back to her ivory skin beautifully blooming to a soft pink and those earthy eyes connect with the ground. I take her small wrist in my hand that's rough and hard against her soft and supple. My body rocks from the contact from holding her hand. A lazy smile spreads across my face.

This one.

I gently, but purposefully pull her along with me as we make our way to the group. She begins struggling with my pacing and long strides so I stop, looking back at her. Eyes wide, staring at me with open astonishment, obviously not paying attention to anything but me and a jolt of pure possessive adrenaline shoots through me.

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