𝟙𝟚 , better

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do you want to see...
a) a celebration of an anniversary of our couple dating
b) a fight
c) another flashback to when they were alive
d) your idea!! i want to take your ideas as well :)

♥ ♫ ♥ ♫ ♥

"so he still doesn't know?" alex muttered the words quietly, though no one was in the garage.

you had been strictly enforced to bed rest, via luke, so you stayed on an air mattress with extra blankets all day long. julie and the boys had just headed in for dinner, or more to watch julie eat dinner, but alex stayed back to sit with you instead.

"no, i decided it was just best not to tell him yet." it was later that day, you and lukes conversation seeming like days ago as your day was filled with sporadic naps and other conversations with the gang.

you and the drummer were now discussing the pros and cons of telling luke you knew they had gone to bobbies prior to last night. you did want to tell him you knew, because you wanted answers, you had just felt like this morning was the wrong time. luke had finally felt better about your stance on the situation, and you didn't want to ruin the moment.

but, at the same time, you felt guilty. luke was so mad at you for keeping your feelings hidden and worse, there was even more that he didn't know; like the first vomit episode with alex. it made you feel guilty for keeping yet another secret from him, but wasn't he the one keeping the secret?

"yeah, i understand. he seems to feel a lot better about all of this today." alex nodded, and you were glad to hear the news, "i think you being honest with him helped." you nodded.

"i hope so."

footsteps made both of you stop talking, and the brown haired girl walked around the corner.

"hey julie." you yawned and smiled up at her, she held a plate holding a piece of chocolate cake in her hands.

"hey, can we talk?" she said, awkwardly looking at alex.

alex got the hint, "and i'm outta here."

you giggled, thanking alex for sitting with you, he ruffled your already messy hair and left the garage. julie sat down on the mattress next to you.

"i brought this for you, had to sneak it past luke..." you laughed, taking the cake from her hands, "and then i realized you cant even eat it." she laughed with you, shrugging, "how are you feeling?"

"better." was all you could say.

julie sighed, one that made you stop and turn to her.

"look," she muttered, "i want to find out as much as i can about my mother. especially if it included carries dad, and the boys." she looked shamefully at the floor, "but i don't want to if it's going to make you feel this way. that's something i never wanted."

you bumped your shoulder with hers, "me neither pal." she giggled, "but i want you to find out more about your mum too. you deserve it. we're going to figure out a way, i promise."

julie smiled up at you, her eyes expressing her gratitude.

"and i think it's pretty obvious," julie side eyed you, "but that boy cares a huge deal about you," she pushed her lips to one side of her face, "you should be more honest with him."

don't i know it, you thought.

"i will be."

she seemed satisfied enough, and soon a huge grin appeared on her face, "i have something for you."

you smiled, boiling with intrigue, and julie went over to the corner of the garage, and pulled out a vans shoe box.

"i took your old vans to the store and returned them for you, and i got you new ones." she opened it to reveal fresh new blue vans, nothing like the ones your vomit ruined yesterday. you melted at the sight, and bear hugged the girl.

"thank you julie."

"of course, i hope they fit-" she hesitated, and you both bursted into laughter, "although i'm not sure if that matters." you pulled away from each other, "this ghost thing is confusing!" you both continued laughing until the boys came out to join you for a movie night.

𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 , 𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now