✎ Rare Words + Definitions | Part 1

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Damn I just keep getting inspired today lmao

I saw some images appear in my Pinterest feed (again lol) of "rare aesthetic words" and it interested me so I did a bit more digging to find more of these words. I think the concept is kinda cool and I don't see a lot of people talking about these rare words, so maybe by me making this chapter I can bring more attention to it? I'm not sure but its worth a try lol

Since these words are rare many of you may not know what they mean, and if you do than that's amazing! I'll be also providing definitions for the words as well! To prevent this chapter from being too long I'll probably do more parts of rare words


(n.) the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are


(n.) beauty that is more than skin-deep


(n.) finding something good without looking for it


(n.) no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved


(n.) the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life


(n.) that which has washed away


(n.) a gentle breeze


(adj.) whirling around the universe


(n.) the fine, light rain that falls from a clear sky at sunset or in the early hours of night; evening serenity


(adj.) wandering alone


(n.) delusions of happiness

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