15. How to Suffer From Consequences

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He didn't say a word

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He didn't say a word.

Neither did I.

We stared one another down, daring the other to be the first to speak.

Well, I wasn't going to let it be me. He'd spoken first, anyway, approximately five minutes ago, but stayed silent after my abundantly sarcastic response. His creepy grin had faded in that time, and his glare had grown sharper. And - I think - his brows may be furrowing with every passing second of silence.

Part of me wanted to break the silence. It was already pressing down on me, even more so each time he tried to be more intimidating. Safe to say, the intimidation tactic was working. I was thoroughly intimidated. Already, I was running through my archive of small talk I'd learned over my twenty-three years on this not-always-forsaken planet.

My, what wonderful weather we're having!

Have you seen Georgina's new baby? She's simply adorable!

Hmm, yes, waffles are delicious! Indeed, the perfect Sunday breakfast. Have you tried them with whipped cream?

Have you heard the hot gossip? The Hunter's been captured!

If I had to pick, I'd probably say the last option.

Unfortunately, - or maybe fortunately, depending on your point of view - I didn't get to say any of the options of small talk I'd dug up out of my memory banks. Why is that? He spoke first!

Ha, loser.

And just like that, I had the upper hand.

"Reese Hearne," he repeated. A muscle in his jaw twitched.

"You already said that." I crossed my arms, jutting out a hip. The look I was going for was one of intimidation, to show that I was going to be the one in control, but I think I actually looked like a teenager about to throw a tantrum. "I know my own name."

A growl resounded in his throat, a low, warning sound. He took another step towards me. I didn't move. Show him you're not afraid, even if you feel like wetting your pants.

Great, now I have to take a piss.

"I'm sorry to insinuate otherwise." He mirrored my position, right down to the hip. Is he making fun of me? "However, since you've been calling yourself Isabelle Sage for the past three years, it's only natural to make assumptions on your intelligence."

My hands balled into fists. I wanted to lunge at him, rip him apart from limb to limb, sink my dagger right into his -

Oh, right. I don't want to do any of that - since my damn Hunter instincts are still dormant.

"I'll have you know that my intelligence is above average," I shot back. He chuckled - he was amused.

"Oh?" Another step. "I seem to recall a rather enjoyable phone conversation that took place a few hours ago. And how did that conversation happen...?" He tapped his chin, as if in thought. "Hmmm... could it be that the city's most wanted human was stupid enough to answer her phone while on the run?"

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