Chapter 8

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"Shut up! I'm talking now!"

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"Shut up! I'm talking now!"

Having finally boarded the private jet Ella had curled on the seat right next to her twin and gazed halfheartedly outside of the window at the fluffy clouds that reminded her a lot of cotton candy. She remembered eating them when she was young along with her brother. She tried her best to ignore the man that she hated oh so much and focus on those flying candies outside of her window but to no avail.

Her mind would always wander to him. She would always think of the different outcomes if she had taken his hand and joined him all those years ago at that cursed beach. Would she be happy now if she did? For all she knew, she would have definitely become a criminal like him. Would she be happy if she was constantly being chased down by authorities, maybe her own brother too?


Back then, if Charles hadn't been so seriously injured and she didn't feel his pain through their bond that clouded her mind and made it hard for her to think clearly, she might have grabbed that blooded hand of his and joined his side. But overthinking it right now she had made the right choice to look away from his hopeful gaze that had turned in a split second sorrowful and broken.

Of course, she hadn't witnessed it but Erik truly felt like someone had slapped him in the face at that moment, as she looked away from him, disgusted at his violent and gruesome actions. Deep inside of him, he knew that she would never agree with his methods and ways, she was always too pure and goodwill for her own sake. She would always avert his gaze from the atrocities of the world and instead try to find how to solve that problem without violence.

But that's what made Erik take a second look at her rather than immediately judge her as a naïve and weak person because in truth Ella was anything but that. She didn't turn a blind eye to the problems of the world but tried to approach them from a different and much safer point of view.

Certainly, her behavior and way of thinking have been influenced by the environment in which she grew up. Having Charles as her brother had definitely contributed to the person she is today but at the same time so did Charles. In contrast to those two, Erik grew up surrounded by war and violence. He blamed that deranged man for everything, for he was the one that made him a human weapon and taught him that violence was the only way.

Turning his gaze towards where she was sitting, he took his time to finally look at her. She had changed a lot since he last saw her, something understandable since it's been ten whole and awfully empty years. The first thing he noticed was her hair. They had lost that vibrant color they had and now they were duller and more matted, the tips were a different color, blonde he noticed, signaling that she had tried a new style not too long ago.

The second thing he noticed was her eyes. They weren't as alive and innocent as back then, now more dead and sorrowful, like they held a burden. The burden of the world she so hard tried to avoid. The rest of her was pretty much the same he remembered, except now she was a little skinnier than before, having lost most of her muscles.

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