so there's a dumb list

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^^^now the image i put at the v top of the faceclaims chapter becomes relevant 👁

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^^^now the image i put at the v top of the faceclaims chapter becomes relevant 👁


There's a list posted onto the bulletin board

It's a simple list. Lined paper, messy scribbles of writing that is more than high-school esque, and clumsily pasted onto the very center of the bulletin board. 

Everyone's crowding around it.

It's definitely not exactly a simple fucking list if the attention surrounding it is any indication. I glance around, trying to push past the titans in front of me as I make my way to the front to try and figure out what on earth the chaos is all about.

When I finally manage to make my way through the storm, my eyes flick upwards to the list. My eyes drift upwards to the title, and now, it seems like people part slightly for me, their amused glances flicking over to my face.

Standing on my tippy toes, I squint at the title as the commotion in the hall and swarm around me continues.

The title reads: The Unfuckables

Off to the side, queers and fags are scribbled onto it alongside a plethora of other painfully homophobic slurs added onto the sheet like an afterthought.

This person is targeting queer people, no doubt about it, and said person is making it extremely clear who their target is.

It has a little messy line drawn under said title to really fucking emphasize it. Definitely a student, then. Or, students. It's when my eyes drift down to the names underneath that my breath gets stuck in my throat, my eyes widening in pure shock.

Because, right there, in permanent sharpie is Evelyn Perez' name. Which is confusing as fuck in and of itself, because Evelyn is always voted most this and most that. Sophomore year, someone had made a list about all the girls in the grade, and Evelyn Perez was voted most fuckable, which was uncomfy in and of itself, and she didn't seem to be a huge fan of the label either.

This, though, is a far cry from sophomore year. She's not only put on a list of 'unfuckables', she's placed at the very top, as though the person who created this list had her in mind first before they put all the other names down.

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