Fight Fighters{Part.2}

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⚠️{No one's POV}⚠️

Dipper was busy panicking like there was no tomorrow, as he was pacing back and forth in the Mystery Shack's living room.

Dipper: "What was I thinking?! I can't fight! I've never been in a fight before! Look at these noodle arms!" He said as he waved his arms around.

Stan: "Just bonk him over the head! It's nature's snooze button!"

[Y/N]: "Or break his legs with this bat!" He exclaimed as he pulled out a baseball bat.

Mabel: "Boys! Why can't you learn to hate each other in secret? Like girls do!"

[Y/N]: "How lame and stupid..." He deadpanned.

Mabel: "No it's not!" She argued as Stan snickered.

Stan: "Sure, Dipper listen to your sister! Maybe you can share dresses too! Ahahaha, BOOM!"

Dipper: "Maybe he'll just forget about it. Maybe it'll all blow over..."

Soos: "I don't know, Dipper. Teenagers are dangerous, Those hormones turn them into like, killing machines!"

Dipper: "R-Really...?"

[Y/N]: "Of course they are! It's literal facts man!"

Soos: "Yeah, dude. My cousin Reggie got in a fight with a teen once. The guy broke like, all his arms, all his legs, and I think, killed him or something, I don't know. Me and Reggie were just talking about it..."

Dipper: "I can't stay here! What if Robbie comes back!? I gotta hide!!" He panicked as he backed up into a corner.

Stan: "Look, kid. You got yourself a choice here. You can either go face him like a man, or you can hide indoors like a wimp. What'll it be...?"

[Y/N]: "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" He chanted.

Dipper was then pondering on what he should do next and finally decided to go for the best option, since it was the best way to finally end all of this once and for all.

⚠️{Dipper's POV}

I was busy hiding under an arcade game, which Soos was currently playing as my best friend watched him play.

[Y/N]: "You're such a wimp..." He muttered.

Once he said that, I felt a sort of pang in my heart. It hurt more than the fact that Wendy was Robbie's girlfriend, but I decided to ignore it.

Dipper: "C'mon guys, Robbie's twice my size. I mean, what will getting myself killed accomplish? I just need to hide here until 3 o'clock passes..."

[Y/N]: "...then I'll beat him up for you..." He said under his breath with an evil smile.

When he begins to walk off I grab him by the wrist and pull him backwards towards me. As I do so, he then falls inbetween my legs with a small 'oof!'.

Dipper: "U-Uhm, you d-don't need to do that...uh, you c-can just, my be. Keep me company...?" I internally face-palmed for stuttering.

I then see [Y/N] cheeks turn a bright pink as he just nods and mutters a small 'whatever'. I just smiled to myself as I turned to the clock to see the time, only to see that it's 11:30.

'Uggggh, this day will never end!' I irritatedly thought as I hugged [Y/N] and bury my face in his back.

⚠️{Soos' POV}

As was busy killing it at the game I was playing, like dude, I'm so crazy good at this. I noticed [Y/N]'s face was 50 shades of red as Dipper cuddled with him.

'How adorable. These dudes would totally make for the cutest couple!' I thought with a happy smile.

⚠️{Mabel's POV}

I was at the Mystery Shack with Grunkle Stan at the moment.

Mabel: "Ugh, poor Dipper. Hiding from Robbie, unable to face his fears..." I say as Waddles oinks in agreement.

Stan: "Fears are for chumps. That's why I don't have any... He says as he walks in.

Grunkle Stan then tries to reach an item on a shelf, but struggles to do so.

Mabel: "You want me to go get a ladder...?" I suggested.

Stan: "We don't have one..."

Mabel: "What??"

Stan: "You know, studies show that keeping a ladder in the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun. That's why I own ten guns, in case someone maniac tries to sneak in with a ladder..."

Mabel: "Grunkle Stan, why you ackin' so cray-cray...?" I say as I suspiciously look at him.

Stan: "YOU'RE the one who's 'ackin' cray-cray!'" He said as he starts walking off.

Stan: "...I gotta go now..." He said as he finally left.

Mabel: "Why would Grunkle Stan be so weirded out by ladders? Of course! I think he has a secret fear of heights! We'll have to test him to be sure! Or we could leave well enough alone...Nah!" I say as I laughed.

⚠️{Dipper's POV}

I was busy play 'Fight Fighters' as [Y/N] was just watching the screen as I rambled about how awful Robbie is and Wendy deserves better.

Dipper: "Stupid Robbie. Such a jerk!" I angrily exclaimed.

Arcade game: ||Round 1! Fight!||

After awhile of playing the game, I lost the round and [Y/N] starts laughing like crazy, but I can't help but stare at him because...

'He looks so adorable with that cute little smile—wait wait wait wait! So does this mean I like my friend?! Is it even ok to like me? Is this illegal?!!' I was then brought back to reality when [Y/N] waved his hand infront my face.

[Y/N]: "...It's about time you snapped out of it, you're so dumb sometimes Pine Tree..." He giggled.

I then just sigh, feeling a bit gloomy.

⚠️{Your POV}

As PT sighed, he went on about how he wished he had the strength to fight Emo dude. I just didn't pay much attention because I was sick and tired of him complaining about Emo dude.

'How annoying, Pine Tree better shut up about this dude'

PT then goes to insert another coin, but drops it and it rolls somewhere next to the machine.

He then muttered something, but I couldn't hear him. I was about to ask him what's wrong, though he grabbed the coin and went back to his game.

⚠️{Dipper's POV}

As I was entering the code I found by the arcade game, [Y/N] begins to pester me by poking my head, cheek and nose from time to time while busy muttering 'What are you doing Pine Tree' over and over.

I then messed up the code and when I did so, I glared at the only culprit.

Dipper: "...can you please stop or go away if you're gonna be like this..."


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