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////[ ::::]\\\\  does anyone want to name this spooder? Timmy and I need help deciding its name.

ᕙ(◍.◎)ᕗ Timmy wants to name him Timmy Jr.

I told Timmy I'm not naming a spider after him. His ego is big enough already.

--'- ---! ------ --. -- - ------ ----! --- ---- -- ----- -- -----! (betchya can't guess what Timmy said.)

*le gasp* Rude!

🕷Natasha's POV:

  The kids led us to a big beach on the edge of a forest. There were a few other kids sitting on the sand and in the water.

  "Okay, this looks like a good place," Frank said.

  "Yup, we're on sand so Leo can't set anything on fire, by water for Percy, and around a lot of precious metals for Hazel," Will said, nodding.

  "I have no clue what any of that means, but okay," Peter said.

  Annabeth chuckled. "It'll make sense soon," she said.

  "So, who wants to go first?" Conner asked.

  "I will!" Leo exclaimed.

  "Sure," Jason said.

  "Okay, so I'm a son of Hephaestus, and my mom who wasn't a god, but she totally would've made an epic god, but one of my powers that isn't really a power but I'm going to say is a power is that I'm really good with machines," Leo said.

  "How good?" Tony asked, probably wanting to have a competition with him later on.

  Leo pulled a paperclip, a rubber band, and a pipe cleaner out of his toolbelt, and in only two minutes he had created a tiny helicopter that had spinning blades and could actually fly.

  ". . .I think I have my answer," Tony said, astonished.

  "Yup," Leo said, smirking, "Oh wait. . . oh no. . . AAAH!" Leo exclaimed, and without warning his shirt and hair set on fire, and he rolled around on the ground making noises that imitated what a dying pterodactyl would sound like.

  My eyes went wide, and the rest of the Avengers started panicking, while the kids just stood there with amused smiles.

  Steve and Bruce rushed down to the water and tried to scoop water up with their hands to put the fire out, which was pretty useless, and Bucky and Tony fanned the fire, in hopes of putting it out, but that was a really stupid idea because the flames just rose higher.

  All the while, Leo was also smiling for some reason, I had no clue why though, seeing as being lit on fire was probably pretty painful.

  "Your friend just lit on fire? Aren't you going to do something?" Clint asked them, panicking.

  And that's when the kids all lost it. They doubled over in fits of laughter, including Leo, who was still on fire.

  "Did I forget to mention I can also manipulate fire, and am immune to it?" Leo asked, after they all stopped laughing, and the fire died down.

  "YES!" Bucky exclaimed.

  "Oops," Leo said, smiling innocently.

  "Okay, who's next?" Frank asked, still smiling a little bit.

  "I can go if no one else wants to," Hazel volunteered politely.

  "Yep, you can go," Frank said.

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