2| dois

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Author's note. Please read:

Well, I've decided to continue this story. It's been months I know, but I got motivated again. Anyone who is reading this story would know that it's not a light topic. I've also tried to make it as tame as possible. So if you decide to read it, please understand that it can get disturbing along the way. (Just skip the parts)

Anyways, onto the story.


Fifth room to the left, down the corridor.

The familiar smell of cigarette smoke and unwashed mattresses became stronger to me as we walked. The man next to me kept stumbling, tightly holding my hand.

This would have felt like any other night of mine, but something about the flickering lights, loud thuds and my client made it all different. The atmosphere was filled with an inexplainable tension, as my stomach clenched and unclenched itself. It was the little morsels of food promising me that I wouldn't need any more until the next morning.

And just as these random thoughts came to an end, we stopped in front of the fifth room on the left.

"You're a new one, aren't you?"

I nodded, and then looked at his gruff, disproportionate face. One eye was smaller than the other, both eyes were red as if from lack of sleep, or maybe intoxication. His hair looked greasy and uncombed, something akin to the state most of us end up in by morning. We both seemed to be in the same physical state: unwashed hair, dirty skin and tired. But our positions were strikingly different.

The door clicked open and I was pushed forward inside the small room. A cot could be seen on the right.

"Hinsetzen," was the stern command from him. It sounded as if he were telling a disobedient dog, as I realised he meant for me to sit down on the cot.

Stained walls, familiar smells and painful nights. This room was where I was moulded during my teenage years.mThe noise of the semi functioning fan, the creaking of the broken bed, it has been this way since I was 14.

I looked at the old clock hanging opposite me and it was almost midnight. I could almost hear the ringing of the huge grandfather clock, informing us girls that our night had started.

I felt Ambros positioning himself behind me on the bed and fiddling with my bra. My eyes were fixed on the clock which was taunting me with how slow time was passing by. He kept asking me touch his rough body with my hands, as he started to unveil my body. I obeyed, too scared to see what would happen if I didn't.

The unsteady bed would shift every time, and I would get that same piercing feeling through my abdomen. Ambros paid for what he wanted, and he made sure he was satisfied.

My hands would hold on tightly to the sheets, sweat pouring all over me. His weight on top of me would only make me feel more suffocated and after every thrust, I would pray that he had had enough, only to be greeted again with the same shot of pain that was familiar to me.

Ambros would talk to himself in German and I could respond only by distracting myself with random thoughts, sometimes thinking about how the other girls were having their night. His hands held no mercy for my ruined body, as I already had enough nail marks and scars on my breasts and back. My body would be like a used tool. Rusted, weak and short-lasting.

"Turn around on your stomach for me."

Rough commands by sex hungry voices was only what I could ever obey. By slowly positioning myself to their needs and whimpering to myself.

His hands would clench around my waist again, after asking me to shift my position and movement would start, only to continue for around 45 minutes. He would then take a break and again attend to me, greedily grabbing my body parts and shoving himself, until finally there came a time when he was too tired to continue, and there'd be no movement. I would only fall asleep after this,


My breathing was heavy by early dawn, and my bones felt weak. My eyes kept darting from the cracked ceiling down to the filthy floors that Delilah made us clean twice every week. The sheets were stained by Ambros and I could still feel his heavy hand on my chest.

I was not sad, I was not angry. I was happy the night was over, grateful for the loose change left by him near the cot.


I think Anika found me sleeping in the morning as I woke up to her big eyes staring at me. They were a capturing blue but seemed so empty, that I felt like filling them up with innocence and purity. But she only stared, even as I smiled at her.

"Camilla, Delilah demands for rent."

These words sunk in and I wished I could go back to sleep, along with putting my insecurities to sleep with me.

But I bit my lip and said softly, "tell her she shall receive it, I just need a little more."

The rent was not for me, as my daily earnings went straight to Delilah which automatically paid for the roof over me. But if I worked a 24 hour shift, I needed atleast a certain amount to break even. And if I did not achieve that, I couldn't pay Delilah for my shelter which lead to a loss to the both of us.

But Delilah was a rich woman, she owned many rooms and flats, and my mother resided in one of those rooms, too sick to earn. I knew it was only a matter of time until she had to leave me.

Anika got up to leave, but then just as she left the room, I told her to wait.

"Anika, what is that scar on your leg?"

"I got that yesterday," she said looking at it.

Her soft blue eyes caught me again and they reminded me of clean water, free from dirt or anything impure. But alas, only impurity was what those eyes had seen.

Whenever Anika cried, she could reduce anyone to feeling as she did.

I didn't know how the men here would ever want to hurt her body as Anika was delicate and seemed to be more fragile than any of us. Her scared face always made me want to hold her as if she was my younger sister.

"The man pushed me towards the end of the bed and there was a nail which cut through my skin."


"Don't worry, I sneaked out in the morning and got myself some ointment." Her face lit up by a tiny smile as she pulled out a small tube from her pocket. "He gave me loose change."

"Ambros gave me some money too," I said, looking at the bank notes near the cot.

"Anika! Camilla! I need you here in the main. Where the fuck are you two?"

That scared look returned to Anika, and my head started to spin as I slowly stood up from the bed, ready to face the challenges of the day.


Hope you enjoyed it! I haven't updated in months. I would also really appreciate it if you left a comment or a vote. Have a nice day!

And if you liked the chapter, please tell your friends and family about this story!

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