Chapter 16: Confront

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3 months later

"Move!" Kenzo orders me, almost forming a smirk on his lips.

"No, you move!" I grin, standing my ground. I am in the hallway and he's in my way.

"Well, I came first," he steps closer with his friends by his side. Everyone just backs away, they always do when he's coming.

"No, you didn't." I point my finger into his chest, the whole crowd gasps. Ohhh, I touched him, the horror that he might kill me now.

"You know the rules, Alyssa." He leans in, running his hand through his wild black hair. He does that a lot, out of frustration.

"Nope, I don't." I shake my head, almost laughing. How long is he going to keep this tough act? I saw a venerable side to him 3 months ago, he acts like it never happened.

"No, huh?" He grabs me by my waist and yanks me to him, my heart flips and smile. I missed him and his touch. I have been waiting for this moment for 3 months, it's like he was deliberately being a jackass and ignoring me.

"Don't tempt me, Alyssa." He whispers firmly in my ear, only for me to hear.

"Why?" I giggle, finding it amusing. He wants me, I know he does. I've seen him sigh and watch me so many times, after that detention with longing look in his eyes.

"Because once you take a piece of me, Alyssa. I will want, fucking all of you." He lets me know, in a harsh tone. His words shake me to the core, did he just threaten me or declare his feelings? I gawk at him, with wide shocking eyes.

"I scare you, don't I?" Kenzo tilts his head, with his intense eyes, staring at me.

"Umm, nope." I don't know what to believe now.

"You sure?" He's about to lift me and throw me by the look on his face, but I push him off and he lets me go with a laugh.

"Why are you being like that?" I step back, keeping my distance.

"like what?" He sternly asks, quirking his brows. 

"You're being jerk," I slam my palm on his chest. The whole crowd gasps in horror. No one touches Kenzo, it seems like it.

"I told you, don't tempt me." He growls, stepping closer, towering over me. Why am I tempted to push his button, will he hurt me? He said he will protect me, though.

"I didn't do anything, okay!." I stick my tongue out, taunting him, then I push him again. His blue eyes go wide a small smile forms on his lips. It's like he's going to laugh." Fucking cute," I hear him mumble under his breath, as he sees me stick my tongue out to him, with my big brown eyes.

"She's funny," Jett laughs and so does Cole. But Rayne just grunts, getting annoyed.

I take a step closer to Kenzo, but he backs off. "Don't touch me," he backs off further with a warning look in his eyes, but his lips are smiling. He's trying to be serious, but he can't. It's like he doesn't want to let his guard down.

"What if I don't?"I retaliate, I grin back at him. "Ohh..." the whole crowd goes, which puts him to shame. But for some reason, he doesn't seem to care. Kenzo's mind is just focused on me.

"You won't back off, huh?" Kenzo smirks now,  grabbing me by the arms and slamming against a locker, playfully. He's laughing now, which makes me laugh. Where's his tough demeanour gone?

"Kenzo?" Before I can say anything else, he shuts me up with his kiss. The whole crowd goes wild and so does my beating heart. I can't believe he's kissing me! It's the high light of my school year, I have been waiting for 3 months for this.  I didn't realise my heart wanted him, until he started to ignore me. 

"I want to see you in detention," he commands, like I am going to listen to him. Everyone's dispersed now and it's just me and his gang, who are on their phones.

"Will see." I sigh, playing hard to get. I am not like those submissive fan girls. Plus he needs to change his attitude, they way he talks to me. 

"You will come, right?" He  asks, his voice dropping as panic written all over his face.  Maybe Kenzo needs three months off, like he gave me. But  what he seriously needs is to control his emotions and his flipping behaviour. He hasn't changed much, he still the same.

"I have got stuff to do, but thanks for the invite." I  walk off then like he's existence doesn't really matter, even though he means so much to me. 

"Alyssa, why are you being like this?" He asks, getting mad. 

"Well, I can't be with a psycho can I?!"I spin around to face him, he looks taken back." I am not a fucking psycho," he points to himself. Is he for real? "You have an anger issue, you are scary and dangerous."

"And?" He says it, like it's a normal behaviour. 

"And, I am not going to lose my sleep over you, I need to live a life and be not held back by your stupid irrational behaviour." I don't know why I am being honest, I guess  he needs to face the truth. 

"So... you want me to change? You liked me for me, do you remember that detention?"

"Yeah, I do. I like certain aspects of you, not  the whole you." I point out. Plus he's incredibly hot and I can't help myself.

"What do you want me to do, just be nice?" He asks, sounding like he's going to be sick. Nice is not his vocabulary. 

"Yes, and learn to calm that tone of yours and stop threatening and beating people up, like it's your hobby."

"If I don't like something, I will do something about it." He tries to explain himself, when he's actually making it worse.

"But if you like me, you would do something about it." I retaliate, which gets him riled up. I wish he just calmed down and except the truth.

"OKAY FINE!" He agrees by  punching a locker out of  frustration. That shits  me up. Maybe I am making a grave mistake. This guy seriously needs therapy, I think  that's  what my next approach is going to be.

"Good, now  I will only see you after you had  your therapy sessions." I suggest, with sweet smile on my lips. I am sure he will agree. 

"WHAT! I am not doing that?" He looks at his friends, who  are laughing at him now. 

"If you carry on like this, then I will never speak to you again." I threaten him, it's empowering to be honest. I did miss Kenzo a lot, but I don't to want hang around with a hostile guy, who constantly puts me on the edge.

"Fine, I will do it!" He sighs, not liking this. " But you have to come with me, though?" His blue sincere eyes meet mine, and for once I can see vulnerability in him. "Aww, off course I will!" I gush, seeing him smile now. He genuinely  looks happy for once with a little twinkle in his eyes. I guess being locked up with him wasn't a bad idea after all.

                                                           THE END

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