Chapter 4 - Setting Sail

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/ You feel so familiar

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/ You feel so familiar... I must have loved you in more than one lifetime. /
- N.R. Hart

"There it is boys, your present," Wolf said while showing them the yellow submarine that's floating on the water.

"That's for us?" Shachi gaped

"You made it?" Penguin asked

"I sure did." Wolf grinned, proudly.

"Thank you, junk inventor-ya."

"Now, now, I'll give you all a tour." He said before jumping on the deck.


Akira put her stuff down in the women's quarter, the others were settling in also. 

"We'll be setting sail after a few hours, make sure you have everything," Law spoke from the speaker.

"Aye aye, captain!" 


"Ah, I sure will miss it here." Akira sighed

knock knock

"Who's there?"


"Law who?"

"..." Law Vyu (get it?)

"Alright alright, I'm coming." 

Akira opened the door, revealing Law. He was holding onto some clothes

"What is that." She pointed at the white boiler suit.


Akira felt her eyes twitch, "I-I have to wear.. that?"


"... what's wrong with your sense of fashion, jesus."

"It's the captain's orders Kira-ya."

"Ok, but why don't you have to wear it?"

"Because I'm the captain."

"... no. I'm going to change it when we reach the next island. You just want me wearing the Jolly Roger logo thing right? Got it." Akira spoke rather quickly, before Law could say anything else, she closed the door.

"Goddamn, there's no way I'm wearing this ugly ass boiler suit," Akira murmured.


"Captain!" Bepo called, "We're hungryyy"

"I don't cook." That was all he said

"Bitch-" Akira stormed out, "don't you dare to give my baby that attitude."

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