Lucas and Amber

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- I really hate you. And your wedgies!

The next day we obviously had to show everything to Summer. And also everyone. This is not a huge high school because its really hard to get in. We were walking in the hall when we reached the dining area.
- Summer. Please take our advices you wont regret it. Lesson number one. Never, i repeat never ever sit down to the table with the short hair girl sitting next to it. - I wanted her not to get hurt. I was really easy on her with the wedgie yesterday.
- The girl who is talking to those really annoying looking girls and that boy?
- We call her AF because she is annoying as fuck. But her name is Amber. She bullies literally everyone. Even her friends. And nobody stops her. There were rumors about her having a bully fetish. She is bisexual. By the way are you a bisexual Summer? - Becca looked curiously.
- I could kiss and sleep with a girl. But a relationship would be too much.
- I literally feel the same. - I smiled at her and we started to giggle.
- Who is that dude sitting alone and eating a sandwich? - she pointed towards a Latin American shorter guy with his earphones plugged in his ears.
- Lucas. He is sweet. And really kind. - once I almost dated him but he was busy hanging in the locker room.
- We should sit with him! - Summer started to approach him.
We had followed her and than sit down. Lucas looked up at us with a curious face.
- Hi Lucas. Im Summer. - she smiled at the boy and Lucas smiled back.
- Hi Summer. Hi Alexis. Becca.
- How are you Lucas? - I was in front of him and i pushed myself towards him. My tits were big and i noticed him looking at it. I smiled.
- Just the usual. The power hungry kids in this school never stop. - with that three people stood behind Lucas and Summer.
- Amber what do you want? - I looked at her dead in the eyes.
- Hi guys. I want to get to know our new friend. And also I want to show her who is the boss in this school.
Amber grabbed Lucas, pulled his shirt up to his head and pulled up his white briefs. She held Lucas to the air. She grabbed his sandwich and pushed it in his face. Another girl pulled down his pants and took it. Summer stood up and pushed the girl. The girl ran away with the boys pants and the third girl had grabbed Summers pants but Summer turned towards the girl and reached down her really short pants. She pulled up her thong with three pulls. Everyone was looking at us. Amber stopped the wedgie and patted Lucas.
- You wont get away with that that easy new girl.
- No? Watch me. - and Summer ripped the mean girls thong and dropped it to her head. - And now get away Amber or im gonna rip your granny panties too.
I was shocked. Becca too. Amber sighed and walked away with her friend.
- Thank you Summer. - Lucas fixed his briefs and sit back down.
- Your welcome nerd. You will need a pair of pants.
- Do you guys have one?
- With your size mine would be perfect.
- Summer! - I said with Becca in choire.

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