Chapter Seven

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Third Person's POV:

Maryam felt a little rumble in her stomach when she approached the classroom door quietly. She looked at the familiar wooden door with a glass box to peek inside through. A small metal tag was pasted beside it, labeled 12-A. Maryam gulped down the lump forming in her throat and she grabbed the hem of her baggy maroon t-shirt, twisting and twirling it between her fingers.

"Here it is. I hope you like it here." the voice shook Maryam out of her thoughts and she turned to look at the middle-aged lady standing beside her. "Have a nice day then, Ms. Maryam." the vice-principal, Ms. Caroline smiled at her and walked away.

Maryam was now left on her own. She knew the way around the school and wasn't nervous because she was worried about her studies or her appearance but the weird looks the students gave her. They usually did that because of her hijab but then, it was different. And it was affecting her more than it usually did for some reason.

Maybe because of the thousands of questions that their eyes were asking. They were staring at her because of the special treatment she was getting from the teachers. All the students wondered why she left her studies in the middle and rejoined, not to mention the visible change of style. Maryam's clothes were expensive and they looked it which was very odd.

Her dressing was good even before but now, she was carrying expensive accessories, bags, shoes, and clothes which made everyone suspicious.

But, Maryam didn't let it get to her. She was hardly bothered by them, so with a brave face, she entered the half-empty classroom. She was on time and classes hadn't yet started.

"Hey, Maryam! Good to see you!" a female voice from the background came closer to her and she turned around to meet Emily, the captain of the girls' soccer team. "Hello! It's good to see you too." She smiled at the blonde, who had a fit body which was enough to make any girl jealous.

She put her hands on her waist and beamed brighter. "Where were you? I thought you moved," she asked. At that, Maryam laughed nervously. "Something came up. Family problems," she replied carefully.

Emily nodded knowingly before smiling at her again. "Well, I'm glad you're back. My new physics partner is so lazy. She hardly does anything besides taking pictures." she groaned as she told her. Maryam laughed a little.

"We used to have a lot of fun doing the practicals," she remembered making Emily nod again. "I know right!" when she heard her friend call her, she turned back to Maryam with an apologetic look on her face. "Sorry, but I gotta go. See you later!" with a wave, she went bouncing towards her friend.

Maryam looked around the classroom, spotting some of her former classmates along with some new students. She didn't have many friends but she got along with most people so she was fine.

A girl with long blonde hair caught her eye and she thought that she looked very familiar. The girl made eye contact with her and smiled at her and turned back to what she was doing.

Shaking the thought off, Maryam took out her book and started going through the chapters.

When it was time for recess, Maryam felt a little weird going out to the cafeteria. All the while in the classroom, many boys and girls were looking at her as if she was an alien or something. Slowly, the students left the room, leaving her alone with a group of boys. She tried hard no to feel conscious but she felt their gazes on her.

She took out her phone and tried to distract herself, still not wanting to go out and face the other students but when one of the boys hooted at her, she knew that she couldn't stay there longer.

She glanced back at them to see four or five boys, mostly blonde-haired and blue-eyed except for one who looked Asian with black hair and black eyes.

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