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Your walk with Eret lasted until almost sunset, when you finally did head back to the palace to soothe your growling stomachs. You talked about everything under the sun except for the war - because it was all that was on Eret's mind these days, and you were trying to ease his stress, not pile more on. 

It was going a little bit against the agenda the king had given you, but you would make that sacrifice for Eret a thousand times over. 

You took your dinner together with Simon and Maven, laughing and joking as you shared a delicious assortment of grilled meats and vegetables. Before long though, it was time to turn in for bed - there was an early meeting the next morning, one that you and Simon would have to be present for. It was because of your attendance that you suspected Eret might have come to a decision - he didn't usually call for both you and Simon during his full court sessions. 

As you turned in for the night, you could only hope that tomorrow wasn't going to be the end of your time here in his castle. 

The worry was still on your mind as you woke and dressed for the meeting - putting on one of the more formal outfits you had brought with you. You'd even expressed it to Simon as you shared a light breakfast on the balcony, sighing, "I know it had to come to an end at some point, but I can't help but hope this isn't the end."

Simon had pursed his lips, playing with the pure white petals of a potted flower that sat nearby. "I know what you mean."

From there, it was only a short while until you and Simon were making your way down to the throne room. There were already members of the court milling about inside when you arrived, and the semicircle of chairs was set up again. Maven was already in her seat as you made you way down the stairs, and she looked up when you entered the room, that soft smile coming onto her lips. 

Simon made a beeline for her as soon as he was down on the floor, and you could see Maven bite back a laugh as he approached. You decided to let him have his moment, heading over to the seat you had taken last court session and sitting down, passing the time by watching the clouds move through the skylight as you waiting for the meeting to be called. 

You didn't even notice Eret walking into the room until he stopped behind you seat, his head poking into your view of vision with a dopey grin. 

"Hello Eret." You said, a laugh just under your breath. 

"Good morning Y/N." He said. "You seem a little put out on this fine morning."

"I can't help but feel like this is the end of it all." You said. "You're not planning on surprising everyone and withholding your decision for a while longer, are you?"

Eret pursed his lips. "I'm afraid I can't anymore." He said. "But I think you'll be pleased with my decision in the end." 

With that, he was slipping by, exchanging a few more good mornings with members of his court before he took his seat in the throne on the dias. After that, the court members began to file into their own seats, and Simon came back to sit down beside you, still looking at Maven. You just let him have his moment - after all, you could be leaving today.

When everyone was seated, Eret began to speak. 

"Good morning everyone." He said. "I apologize for calling you all in so early this morning, truly, but I've finally come to a decision regarding the esteemed King Etienne's call for support in his ongoing struggle against the pillaging tribes in his lands."

A few murmurs were exchanged as Eret took a pause in his speech, looking to you with a gentle smile on his face. You returned the gesture, fairly confident now that he had chosen to lend his support since he had said that you would be pleased. Privately, you were conflicted - you didn't agree with exactly why King Etienne was fighting this war and wouldn't want to grant him more military support, but the selfish part of you was happy that this wouldn't be the end of your time with Eret, at least not for a while. 

"After long hours pacing my room just letting my mind run through every possibility and having discussions with all of you," Eret gestured to the gathered court. "I still have to say it was a hard decision to make. While I don't fully agree with the war being against races that were in this world long before humans, my father thought King Etienne a good man - worthy of allying with. And following that line, I have decided to do good on my father's alliance and lend my military support during this war - hopefully to help end it."

The court broke out into murmurs again - some of the members looked pleased, while others leaned to whisper to their friends sitting nearby - you even thought you saw some money change hands in one interaction. Your eyes skipped to Simon's though, to find a wide smile on his face as he leaned to whisper to you.

"Very well done." He said. "King Etienne will be more than pleased."

You grinned, leaning in a little as well. "Perhaps you can get your ship back, eh?"

Simon's grin widened at that, and you leaned back in your seat as Eret began to speak again - the whispers and murmurs dying down at his words. 

"With that being said," He continued. "There's still more planning we have to do about the logistics of lending our support - what battalions we send, what supplies we bring - all of it. But before that," His eyes flicked to you for a moment. "It is important you know that I myself will be joining the battalion we send, and I will be leaving my trusted advisor," He gestured to Maven. "In command while I am gone."

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