Chapter 21

48 17 19

Eleven days left


Walking up to the two story, 1700s Georgian style house, with its symmetrical facade and the double hung windows, I suddenly felt completely out of place. It was evident that Esther's family was well off, some might argue they were too well off. Still, joy seemed to have a way of avoiding the Hartleys - not even money could help them keep what was most precious to them.

The red panelled door with pilasters stood intimidatingly before me. Wealthy people always made me nervous, like I had to impress them, like they'd see right through my unsuccessfulness.

With a heavy heart, I rang the golden plated doorbell, shaking my limbs to loosen up my posture. The neighborhood was empty, I realised. There were no pedestrians walking the streets, no children playing in the yards. It was eerily quiet but for some reason I never felt quite alone and the unexplained feeling of being watched from afar never faded.

Getting worried that there might not have been anyone home, I rang the doorbell again.

Still no answer.

Just when I was about to turn around and walk away, the front door opened slightly, just the tiniest crack, and I almost couldn't make out that some was actually standing there.

Staring back at me was a guy my age with chestnut brown hair and an oval shaped face. His face was covered in freckles, his eyes a soft green. Yet something about him seemed off. His posture was crouched, his demeanor screamed alarm.

"Uh- we, we don't want to talk to any reporters," he stumbled over his words, closing the door in my face.

Quickly, I pushed it open and almost instantaneously held up my hands as a sign of defiance, a sign of peace.

"I'm not a reporter," I told him slowly, almost as if I was talking to a spooked child.

At that he opened the door a little wider, his posture relaxing slightly but confusion was evident in his face. He bit his lips nervously before asking,

"Uhm, who are you then?"

Nervously, I shifted in my shoes, contemplating what to respond.

"I am Jacob Thomson, my sister is Aria Thomson," I paused for a moment, "She has been abducted, like Esther."

At the mention of her name, his eyes grew weary, like memories were instantly flashing through his mind.

"So," he cleared his throat, "What do you want from us?"

Realistically, I couldn't tell him everything but I also didn't want to lie to this family. They have been through so much already, me poking through their trauma was bad enough but lying about it seemed cruel.

"To be honest, I thought you could help me find my sister."

His eyes wandered for a moment, drifting off, and just as he was about to respond an older, frail woman appeared behind him.

"Tate, who is this?" she asked him in a shaky voice, barely looking at me.

"Uh- this is Jacob, Mom," he opened the door a little wider, "His sister was abducted."

His head hung low, shameful that he was forced to bring up the uncomfortable topic again and awkwardly so. The mothers eyes were filling up with tears and she audibly gasped at her son's words.

"Come in, please," she finally welcomed me. She looked like she was in her mid 40s but life took a toll on her, aging her all too soon. Her posture was welcoming but the constant sadness that was written on her face was all consuming.

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