Chapter 34

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Words: 1887

3rd Person's pov

Soon, Jungkook is sitting on the floor with the laptop on his lap. Also, Yeontal is sitting in his stomach snuggling on his stomach as he fell asleep comfortably and Jungkook didn't mind the dog. Taehyung on the other hand is sitting beside Jungkook with a laptop on his lap too, both of them were working on the activity and when they were done, Jungkook stretch his hand upward.

"Ah~ Finally finished." Jungkook said.

"Finally." Taehyung said and relax his body. Jungkook set the laptop aside as he pick up Yeontan (who woke up from the movement) and bend his knees to his chest and stretch it again to remove the tingling electric sensation. A feeling when you sat on the floor with a laptop on your lap for more than an hour, and when your done, your legs will feel Numb yet there is an tingling electric feeling something like that.

"Ah~ Let me take him from you." Taehyung said as he take Yeontan from Jungkook. Yeontan then wiggle from Taehyung's graps and went to Jungkook again. Taehyung was surprised.

"I feel betrayed by my own pet!" Taehyung said holding his chest and faking that his surprised. Well he is really surprised with Yeontan action, usually Yeontan stays away from guest. Even Jimin who often come to his place and hang out, Yeontan would be in the corner sleeping or would snuggle to Taehyung.

Jungkook chuckled and pat Yeontan's head. " Looks like I'm your new master right Yeontan?" Jungkook said and Yeontan bark happily as he wiggle his tail.

"I can't believe this." Taehyung said and Jungkook chuckled and Taehyung would be lying if he would say that Jungkook didn't look cute.

"Well, Since the activity is done... I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Jungkook said and Taehyung nod. Jungkook stand up walk to the door.

"Wait!" Taehyung said, Jungkook look at him confused and Taehyung didn't know why he said this. It's just he felt like he wanted Jungkook to stay but at the same time he don't know what to say.

"Uhm... Just go... I forget what I was about to say." Taehyung said as he look away and Jungkook gave a small smile. "Okay."Jungkook said as he walk out of the room and Yeontan seems to follow him.

" Ugh! Why did I want him to stay!? " Taehyung said and mess his hair annoyingly.


Jungkook then walk out of Taehyung room and see Yeontan just follow him. He kneel down and smile." I'm going home cute fluff Yeontan... Until I'll see you again, which probably won't happen." Jungkook said and gave a smile as he start walking out of the living room and he can see that Yeontan still follows him. Suddenly Mrs. Kim just walk pass the living room.

" Oh? Where are you going dear? " Mrs. Kim asked.

" Home, Me and Taehyung already done doing the Activity Mrs. Kim." Jungkook said

"Aish~ don't call me Mrs. Kim. Call me aunty. Mrs. Kim makes me feel old... Sadly I am getting more Older with Taebear's sillyness. Do you know that he put a pancake in the fridge thinking he can make a Pancake Ice cream? Ah~ Jinja~  that boy."Mrs. Kim said chuckling softly.

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