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I quickly arranged my desk and grabbed my bag. My phone rang and I grinned when I saw the caller ID. "I thought you'd forget me", I said. "How can I forget my little sister?", My older brother asked chuckling and I rolled my eyes.

"But you did for about a year", I accused him. "I know, and I'm sorry for that", he apologized and I hummed in reply. "How's Hannah? I saw her little baby bump", I asked him as I walked out of my office. "She's good, she's asleep right now", he answered and I smiled as I checked out if the hospital.

"Take care of her, I need my little niece or nephew to be healthy", I told him sternly. I could picture him rolling his eyes. "Of course I'll take care of her", he said with a scoff. "I better go grocery shopping before Arianna's kids come over", I said as I got into my car.

"More like sugar hunting", he corrected and we laughed. "They won't all be sugary. Just a few chocolates, candy, chips and yoghurts", I said. "Good luck, mother hen", he mocked and I rolled my eyes and hung up.

After spending about an hour shopping for groceries, I drove home and began to make dinner.

The doorbell rang immediately I was done cooking, I quickly walked to the front door and opened it. "Hi, Ari", I greeted Arianna. She was wearing a perfectly tailored black suit which showed her exotic beauty.

"Hey Clair, how are you?", she asked as she walked into the house carrying three large duffel bags. "I'm good", I said as I helped her carry one of the bags. "You can come in kids", I told the kids that were standing by the door. They ran in and wrapped their tiny bodies around me.

"Hello to you too", I said with a giggle. "Hi, aunt Clair!", they chorused cutely making me smile. They were so adorable.

Arianna walked over to them and pulled them in a hug. "My flight is by six. Be good to one another, okay?", she said and they nodded. "Do not give aunt Clair any trouble. Uncle Teo must not report any of you to me, got it?", she said to them sternly and they nodded.

"That's what I like. I'm going to miss you my babies", she cooed and they hugged her. "We're gonna miss you too", they said and I smiled at the cute sight. "Alex and Nikki, be good to your little sister", she said to the older twins and they nodded. She turned to Mia, who was already crying.

"Momma, I'm gonna miss you", she wrapped her tiny arms around her neck. "I'm going to miss you too baby girl, daddy said he'll call you when the plane lands. Do everything Aunt says", Arianna said and she nodded vigorously.

After one last goodbye, Arianna quickly drove out of the estate. I turned to see the kids. "Okay, let's go choose your rooms", I said and they nodded. Alex and Nikki ran up the stairs while Mia was still staring at the ground whimpering.

I crouched down in front of her and placed my finger under her chin, raising her head up. "Don't cry, you'll be okay here", I told her and she nodded. "Are you hungry?", I asked her. She nodded and I chuckled kissing her nose making her blush.

"Let's choose your room and we'll get you something to eat", I told her and she nodded. I carried her and placed her on my hip before going up the stairs.

After choosing their rooms, we ate dinner and sat down in the living room. "Aunt Clair?", I turned my head to see Alex. "Alex, just called me Clair", I said and he nodded. "What do you need?", I asked him. "When will Teo come back?", he asked and I smiled. Among all of them, he's the one that was really fond of Matteo.

"He'll soon be here", I told him and he nodded. "In the mean time, let's talk about ourselves", I suggested and they nodded. "Me! I want to start first!", Nikki screamed and we nodded.

"My full name is Nikki Marinette Ferrari, I'm six years old and I love strawberry ice cream! My favorite color is yellow and I hate spiders", she said excitedly and I smiled at her energy.

I turned to Alex and he nodded. "I'm Alexander Cody Ferrari; I'm six years old and this idiot's twin. I love soccer and football. My favorite color is brown and I hate pink anything", he said as he looked at his twin sister with distaste.

"My name is Mia Amethyst Ferrari; I'm four years old and I love bunnies", Mia said with a toothy grin and I giggled at her cuteness. I heard the front door open and close followed by heavy footsteps.

"Uncle Teo!", Alex and Nikki squealed and ran out of the living room. Matteo came in view with them in his arms. "How are you guys doing?", he asked them.

"Aunt Clair's cool!", Alex squealed and I blushed at his comment. Matteo chuckled and dropped them on the, ground ruffling their hair. I placed Mia on the ground and she ran to hug him. She wrapped her tiny arms around his legs making he chuckle and bend down to pick her up. "Hey, baby girl", he cooed and she giggled.

"Uncle Teo!", she squealed as he tickled her. He placed her down and she rab back to me. "You're back earlier than expected", I said to Matteo as I picked her up and he nodded smiling.

"The kids have school tomorrow", he said and I nodded. "Come on guys, time for bed", I announced. Alex and Nikki ran up the stairs while I carried Mia in my arms as I followed them.

Mia sneezed as I tuck her in bed. "It's okay", I said as I patted her head gently. "Good night, Mia", I kissed her forehead. "Good night Clair", she mumbled back. I switched off the lights and walked out of her room.

After doing a double check on Alex and Nikki, I retreated to my room and lay on my bed tired. My phone rang and I picked the call without without looking at the ID. "Yeah?", I yawned.

"Lil bitch, I'm bored!", my best friend whined making me roll my eyes and sigh. "I have work tomorrow, I need to sleep", I told her. "Oh shut it, how are those munchkins?", she asked and I yawned. "They're easy to get along with", I replied. "Okay then, I need advice on what to wear on my date with Ryan tomorrow", she said.

"I thought you're the one with fashion senses", I joked. "Anybody can have fashion sense, mine is just advanced", she said cheekily and I laughed. "Anyways, I think he's going to propose tomorrow because he sent flowers and a card that read see me tomorrow at our spot, it's special", she said dreamingly.

"That's cute but I thought both of you were not on good terms about three days ago", I said with woery. Last three days ago, Ryan cheated on her with a blonde bimbo. "Yeah, I think this is his way of apologizing", she said and I sighed. She was so happy and I didn't want to ruin her mood

"Okay, I'll help", I said and she squealed. "Wear the most comfortable clothes you have", I said. I have a feeling tomorrow won't be good, but I'm not sure.

"That's a pair of boyfriend jeans and my hello kitty crop top", she said after a silent moment. "Wear the crop top with a pair of high waist jeans and your Dr. Martins", I told her.

"That makes sense, thank you", she said and I smiled. "Now can I sleep?", I asked her. "Good night", she said. "Night", I mumbled and hung up. I buried my head in my pillow, enjoying the softness and silkiness and then fell asleep.


After dropping the kids at school, I drove back to work.

"Good morning Clair", Jane beamed. I flashed her a smile, "Good morning". I greeted other workers as I walked to my office. I opened the door only to see Trevor sitting in my seat. I sighed and rubbed my temples.

I was just starting to love today. Now, I don't anymore.

"Good morning, love", he said grinning. "Don't call me that!", I snapped at him. He grinned and stood up from my swivel chair. "Stop playing hard to get", he said as she approached me. I rolled my eyes. "It's called showing that I'm off limits", I muttered as I walked past him to my table.

"You know it's not right to disrespect me", he said with a warning tone. "It's not also right to annoy me when you know I'm not going to give in to you", I retorted in annoyance. "And why is that?", he asked dumbly. "Because I'm married, you dimwit!", I said through gritted teeth. This guy is infuriating.

He chuckled and left my office. "Stupid piece of shit", I muttered and began my daily activities.

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