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Your POV
"Fine by why do I have to be here?" I asked annoyed
"Skylar. He's your brother, do you want him dead?" Derek asked
"No" I mumbled
"Exactly, so shut up" he said and we started to chase my brother.

Derek made me run as a wolf, for a scarier effect. We could easily find him thanks to his pounding heartbeat. But then lots of car alarms went off, making it a bit more difficult. But when his phone ran we found him again.

Derek grabbed him and pulled him up.
"You're dead" Derek said to him
"What the hell was that?" Scott asked shouting
"I said I'd teach you, I didn't say when" he replied and I just walked along side them as a wolf, just enjoying my other form for a while.
"Yous scared the crap out of me" Scott shouted
Derek looked at him
"Not yet" he said

"Okay okay but I was fast right?" Scott asked and I barked at him
"Not fast enough" Derek said
"The car alarm thing was smart, right?" Scott asked

"Till your phone rang" Derek said
"Yeah but that was.... I mean.... would you just stop. Please" Scott said
"What happened the other night. Stiles dad getting hurt that was my fault. I should've been there to do something. I need you to teach me how to control this" Scott said angrily and upset

I just growled at the emotion of Stiles's dad being hurt
"Look I am what I am because of birth. You were bitten. Teaching someone who was bitten takes time. i dont even know if I can teach you." Derek said to him
"But Sky?" Scott asked looking at me
"What do I have to do?" Scott asked
"You have to get rid of distractions" he said taking Scott's phone

He showed the screen, Allisons naming showing

"You see this. This is why we caught you. You want me to teach you? Get rid of her" Derek said
"What? Just because of her family?" Scott asked
Derek made a face and threw Scott's phone at the wall, it shattered to pieces

I stood there shocked
He didn't just do that
I barked angrily

"You getting angry? That's your first lesson. You want to learn how to control this, how to shift, you do it through anger. By tapping into a primal animal rage, and you can't do that with her around" Derek shouted at my brother.
"I can get angry" Scott said mad
"Not angry enough. This is the only way that I can teach you. Now can you stay away from her. At least until after the full moon" Derek said angrily
"If that's what it takes" Scott said shaking his head
"Do you want to live? Do yo yes for to protect your friends? Yes or no?" Derek shouted at him
"Yes. If you can teach me. I can stay away from her." Scott said to him

I trot back upstairs and held Scott pick up the groceries. Two bags in my strong jaw.
I helped him carry the stuff to the car.

I shifted back to girl "I'm going home. Stay away from her Scott" I said nodding at him then I shifted to my wolf again, and ran away.

I got home a while later. I had enjoyed my run, it's fun being a wolf. I've not done it in a while.
I shifted back and I ran inside. I grabbed a snack and skipped up to my room. My phone was ringing.
I smiled and grabbed the ringing device and I clicked accept
"Hi handsome" I smiled happily laying on my bed
"Hi beautiful. I was wondering if you'd maybe want to go get ice cream after school tomorrow?" Stiles asked
"Like a date?" I asked happily
"Yeah, like a date." He said smiling
"Sure." I told him

I heard a shout from next door.
"Hold up Scott is being a chicken again." I said
"SCOTT SHUT UP!" I screamed covering my phone

"Awww I wish I could be there to see your cute angry face" stiles chooed over the phone
"Shut it, he's talking to someone. Ughhhhh" I whined putting my phone on speaker.
"Well he's probably on the phone." Stiles said
"Hmm, not that I care. Are you still mad at him?" I asked
"No, but he's still getting the cold shoulder for another day" he joked
"Awww. He is sorry though. He keeps telling me to talk to you" I said
"Hmm. I know he is" he said
"Oh someone is in the hall." I said

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