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☆.。.:* BABY BLUES .。.:*☆
act one — the test
( 🤎🌫👼🏼☁️)

A few months had passed since lando and Thea had told their family the baby news, them all taking the news well and becoming excited for the new arrival later on in the year. The Norris' and the Greene's spent the Christmas weekend together; they sang badly to the Christmas hits (lando and Thea belting the words to Mariah Carey), they had multiple hot chocolates, the mothers of the young parents obsessed over the ultrasound photos and they all had an amazing time.

Yet throughout the two months things changed for the pair. They grew closer than ever as it was off season and they had nothing else to do than spend more time with each other and fall in love with the other and their baby. Despite the continuous flirting, they still weren't dating, something their parents grew impatient at. Everybody could see that they were soulmates but Lando and Thea didn't believe them.

February changed their minds.

February was one of Thea's favourite months by far, along with May and November. This was because it was the month of love and affection, two things that she loved to show, no matter how much she shown to others. Every year, Lando and Thea would always exchange gifts on the 14th, it was something they done since the age of fourteen. For the first few years, he would get her some chocolates and a rose; she would get him a hamper full of his favourite things. As the years progressed, so would their gifts for each other. They gradually ended up spending more money on the gifts and with that came more meaning.

For this February, Lando had gotten Thea two dozen roses, some salt and vinegar Pringles and cookie dough ice cream, as she had been craving them both desperately for the past week. He found it weird, yet slightly amusing, how she would scoop the ice cream out of the tub with savoury crisp but she loved it, so he kept his opinions to him as he didn't want to annoy a pregnant woman. He had already done that and it didn't end well; he could've swore that if looks could kill, he would be six foot under the ground. In his defence, he didn't even think what he did was bad but to Thea, it was like Lando murdered her entire family.

Moving on, Lando wanted to make Thea feel extra appreciated today so he decided to make her breakfast that he was sure that she wouldn't throw up five minutes after digesting it. Morning sickness was now daily for the young mother, getting confirmation off the doctor that it should stop after the first trimester, she felt ecstatic when she heard that news. She would wake up nauseous, throw up, drink some water that Lando brought her in the mornings, try and eat some feed then be sick again. It was a continuous cycle and it was getting boring now; but Thea knew that at the end of it all it would've been worth it. In a few months she'd be holding her baby instead of a bucket.

Even though he wasnt an amazing cook, Lando tried his hardest to not burn down the kitchen, even if he was only making jam on toast. With his music on a low volume and a quiet voice, he was talking to the stream about what he was doing at that moment in time. "Okay chat, so I'm making Thea some breakfast because I'm a romantic guy, you know." He joked, reading through the comments that were asking if the two of you were dating because of what he said to which he replied. "We're not dating chat, she's just feeling a bit under the weather at the minute."

Baby Blues - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now