another dream

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I feel exhausted but I can't sleep. I take one sleep pill And immediately go to sleep.

It's a grey day we have to give our clothes to a man at the entrance. I see that people heads are being shaved. They ask me to take my ring off. I look him in the face. That man is a monster. "No," I say not even in German. He looks angry at me and points his gun. I mimic that i put it away. i slide it into my jacket. I see two soldiers with metal stamps. One asks no demands to bare my right arm. I do it. They put the stamp in my arm, it hurts like hell, another soldier rubs ink into the wound. I stand up and look at it it's a number. everything become black.

We walk into a shower room. It's so crowded than you could walk over the heads. We wait for water to come but instead something comes in. It smels like marzipan and almonds, I recognize it I learned about it it's deadly gas. I feel a sting in my chest my eyes begin to water. A long man falls, dead. Everyone starts to panick and tries to rush to the door they scream their lungs of. A little girl is crying. I kneel "Hey, look at me." I say in German. " If this is over you will be welcomed by god, you will see everyone you know and you can eat as much candy as you want." I start to cough blood comes out of my mouth. I look at her, she is looking to the people who dig their nails in the wall before they fall on the ground leaving scratches on the walls. "Look at me, Lets pray I say" She folds her hands together and falls onto the ground I'm the only one who is still alive.

I wake up with a start. I'm soaking in sweat.I feel a slight sting in my chest. I Look at the tattoo on my arm I put a knife in it. I hate them. I hate the tattoo. I hate the memory. I hate the dream.

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