Chapter Sixty-Six: I Don't Blame You

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I went outside to get the mail.

After we left the banquet, Bennett stole Bentley’s limousine and dropped all of us off. He promised he’ll return our abandoned pajamas back at his apartment when he gets the chance. Jordan offered for all of us to go out to eat, hoping it’ll lighten Bennett’s mood, but he turned it down, saying it was late and that we should go to sleep. I was worried about the dress since it’s obviously not mine, but Bennett told me I could keep it. It’s probably because he both doesn’t want anything to do with it, and that I couldn’t just take it off and return it to him then and there. Now it hangs inside my closet, which I’m not planning to wear it anytime soon with the guilt of keeping it.

I have to admit, I didn’t sleep much that night, since my head was still replaying the events that night. But I must’ve fallen asleep sometime later because I woke up with my parents screaming at me to get up so we can open our presents. We opened our presents, both from each other and distance family. Then we checked our trap for Santa only to find that he fooled it once again and escaped.

Better luck next year.

So I went out the house to get mail for any late Christmas postcards from any of my family. I was hoping for some cookies or money in the cards especially for me. When I went outside, I found the whole front yard was covered it a blanket of snow. Before I could even react, my mom ran right past me and jumped into the snow with my dad coming outside with blankets. I promised my mom I’ll make snow angels after she goes back to normal body temperature when she went back inside for some hot chocolate. I went over to the mailbox and took out a couple of letters.

As I headed back to the house with the smell of hot chocolate meeting me, I looked through the letters to see one was specifically addressed only to me unlike the others for the Lorraine family. Curious, I tore the envelope open and took out the letter inside it. My eyes read each word, each sentence, and read line after line faster and faster. My hands unconsciously crumpled the paper the more I read. I stopped at the end of the letter and simply folded the letter and went inside for some hot chocolate.

It was night now, around nine, meaning it took me about thirty minutes to get to Valley Park, using only one bus and walking the rest of the way. It started snowing, just a light sprinkle of snow that didn’t seem to bother me as much. I was sure to wear something fit for the weather, a black pea coat with dark jeans and combat boots along with a bright red scarf wrapped around my neck, big enough to cover the bottom half of my face. My glasses were fogging up with the cold weather, making me rub it with a sleeve time to time to see clearer again.

I finally arrived to the spot, right smack at the middle of the park. I waited there for a couple minutes, rubbing my hands together and blowing hot air onto them, with my breath looking like a cloud of smoke. I couldn’t help but pretended I was smoking for a few seconds before trying to warm my hands again. I didn’t know how long I was there, I just knew I was there long enough to want to go back home. I was about to turn around to try to catch the next bus back when a voice stopped me.

“I didn’t think you’d come.”

I paused and a small smirk formed on my face. I turned around and narrowed my eyes at him.   

“Why wouldn’t I Parker?”

He didn’t look any different than the last time I saw him. From the towering height he was from me to the bright blue eyes I used to love to stare at. The only noticeable difference was the shorter hair he seemed to be hiding under a black beanie as he wore reasonable clothes for the weather.

He let out a small shrug. “A chance to punch me?”

“Actually, that crossed my mind,” I admitted.

The Good Girl's Bad Boys [Book One of TGGBB Series] (Completed, Editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz