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"Okay guys, I have an idea!" Kokichi said at the top of his lungs. Shuichi laughed a bit at this as he held his hand. Nagito and Hajime had started to get suspicious of the group's behavior with their "Operation Komahina" business. Chiaki was the head of the group but she let Kokichi lead the meetings because they always seemed to go better if he was in charge.

"What is your idea Kokichi?" Ryoma asked, sounding tired. "Well, what about we have Chiaki pressure Hajime into telling Nagito he likes him...I know he is a tsundere but I know this may pressure him just enough to get over himself and just confess already!" Kokichi threw his hands up proud of his plan, even though some of the others didn't understand.

"Okay I have no idea what you mean...isn't that what we have been doing?" Chiaki asked looking up from her game from a moment. "Nope~!" Kokichi said with his signature smirk growing across his lips.

Chiaki tilted her head a bit. "Oh?" Kokichi answered before Chiaki was able to add onto her statement. "Yeah! It's different because this time I will be convincing Nagito to do the same, but I will make sure he is able to kiss Hajime to show him he means it~" He said, making a couple eyebrows raise.

"But how the hell is that supposed to work?" Rantaro asked, making Kokichi turn to him. He pointed his finger at Rantaro. This made Rantaro flinch a bit at the gesture but he relaxed a short moment after. "Well I know Nagito has a hard time saying no--so I can convince him after Chiaki talks to Hajime about it and comes to mention that Hajime likes him. After this it's all up to you Chiaki. All you have to do is make sure that you talk to Hajime before coming to find me and Nagito who will be talking in the courtyard near the front of the school." He finished his statement and Chiaki closed her eyes for a moment.

She did this when she was deep in thought. She was a little worried about the plan failing and causing her two best friends to end up on bad terms...but she just needed to make sure to be careful and make sure that Kokichi didn't overdo anything.

"Okay I'm in," She finally opened her eyes and moved to hold her hand up for Kokichi to shake. He smiled to himself before moving his hand to shake hers. "I'm glad you are! They will finally be able to be together and they will have us to thank!" The room was filled with a calm feeling.

Maki was in the room but she was just observing. Rantaro's role was more of a second in command to Kokichi--well behind Shuichi of course. Because Kokichi's right hand man is always Shuichi after they have been together of course. Ryoma contributed a bit but he was mostly there just because he didn't have anything else to do.

Chiaki on the other hand didn't want to leave her game--but since Kokichi had her as a key part of his plan they lured her here with the promise of a video game competition after the meeting. She came because of this so Rantaro as well as the others agreed to this plan and helped to set up a game of Super Smash Bros to play with her after the meeting.

"Okay this seems to be going well, this is all going to be taking place on--" Maki said trailing off. Kokichi then spoke up after that. "It will be happening in two days! So make sure to do your tasks! Well except for those who weren't assigned a specific task--but you can still come for the show!" Kokichi laughed to himself before Shuichi moved to pull him into a hug.

"Oh you are always so over the top-" He sighed to himself while Kokichi tried to push him away but Shuichi moved his free hand to pet his head as he held him close to him. "Yeah yeah-- I get it! Now let me go!" Kokichi whined before Shuichi let him go--well without letting go of his hand.

Kokichi didn't pull his hand away and let him hold his hand. Chiaki and Rantaro shared a knowing glance before Chiaki spoke, "Didn't you promise-" She started before Rantaro cut her off. "We have the game set up in the back!" He said taking her hand to lead her into the back room. Kokichi and the others followed.

The room was large and very cosy looking with a tv that was bright in the more dim room. It was nice and the couch was waiting to be filled and the games were anxiously waiting to be played. They all took a spot on the couch with Shuichi holding Kokichi in his lap after kissing his cheek again. Rantaro and Chiaki laughed softly at this before Ryoma and Maki moved to take a spot on the floor in front.

"Let the games begin!" The game started and they all chose a character. Chiaki was beaming while the others were just glad to be able to do something like this after having to do so much school work with projects coming at them left and right.

"I got this!" Rantaro yelled before he started pressing buttons faster. Chiaki seemed so calm but she was destroying all of them as expected from the ultimate gamer. It was humorous to her that they thought they could beat her skill, but she enjoyed being able to just be with all of them there.

She realized yet again that maybe friends were better than games. Maybe just was good to learn about something that is always changing and doesn't have a set code. Maybe it was good to make some new friends and learn about them and interact with them and be able to play fun games with them.

'Maybe this is going to be nice' She thought to herself as Rantaro looked over at her for a moment causing her to smile before she went back into gaming mode. 'I forget how much fun Chiaki can be when we play games like this, because she is always off in her own world with her games and such, but it's nice to see her smile.' Rantaro thought to himself before he smiled.

Rantaro didn't care much about winning anymore. He only cared about being in this moment with his friends, and all the others could agree, even if these feelings were never communicated to one another.

-God I miss hanging out with friends when the world was non-COVID, but here we are now. Thank you all so much for reading! I am super excited for the next chapter! I hope you all enjoy it!-


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