075. Commencement

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Part Three / Chapter Seventy-Five

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Part Three / Chapter Seventy-Five

Severus Snape had no issue making life a living hell for the students in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He'd grown a persona in this school over the years, mainly perceived by Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor students with the occasional Slytherin. Professor Snape was an ungodly, wicked, immoral man and intended to keep it that way.

Right now, as his role of Headmaster, he was determined to keep the other Death Eaters off his tracks while he helped Harry Potter. In order to do that, he needed Venus Rosario. The girl who happened to be half witch-half angel, the girl he'd never gotten along with, the girl he agreed to protect. He had to put her in danger, to protect Harry in the long run.

All of the students of Hogwarts stood in the Great with their black capes. The hoods covering their heads that made the gray Hall seem as it were filled with apparitions. Severus, the devil himself, watching them all hang their heads. He was black-hearted, but he didn't enjoy hurting these children. But, if he hadn't, then instead of scars on their hands, they would have been across their necks.

"I have a question for all of you." Snape vocalized grimly. His voice comparable to the growl of a werewolf. "Where is the half-breed?"

No one said anything.

Snape slammed his giant hands against the long table, the same table he and other Professors would eat dinner, breakfast and lunch on. The sound made many flinch, some quietly shriek under their breath.

His eyes darted to one of the third year students, he wasn't so sure of her name, but she was certainly a Gryffindor. She was one of the only students with her head held high, looking him straight in his beady with her big, brown ones.

"You." Snape said to the girl. "Stand right here." His wrinkly finger pointed to the area in front of him past the stairs. "What's your name?"

"Cordelia Shacklebolt." She stated bravely.

"Ah, I see. You do have you filthy half-blood grandfathers bravery."

The Carrows snickered behind Snape, as so did the other Death Eaters. None of the Angels laughed.

"Don't talk about my grandfather." Her words were laced with fire that burned Snape after she spat them at him.

"You obviously don't have his quietness. Sadly." Snape sighed. "Where is Venus Rosario, Cordelia?"

"I don't care and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."

"Yeah... Amycus take her to the dungeon."

Amycus Carrow had Cordelia by the arm until someone made him stop in his tracks.

"Don't touch her!" Venus Rosario steps out of the sea of black hoods, pulling her own off from her head. Snape was relieved that she'd actually come out before he had to find some excuse to get the girl out. He kept his calm composure and alerted Amycus to let the girl go. She bolted away from the front of the Hall and into Venus' arms.

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