Chapter 18

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High-pitched beeps from a microwave disrupted Elliot's sleep

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High-pitched beeps from a microwave disrupted Elliot's sleep. He winked open his eyes, finding Pierce rummaging through boxes of mac-n-cheese and cheerios. They hockey player didn't even glance at the bed to check if Elliot was awake - he just knew. He sensed it, as if their energies were synchronous.

"I made you an Eggo," he said. He had sweatpants on now, and a hoodie. His hair was extra fluffy from the overuse of shampoo. It was tousled like typical bedhead.

Elliot rubbed his eye. "Why are you up so early?"

Pierce gestured toward a soggy, fake waffle. "Gourmet cooking requires extra time." In truth, he had been awake for hours - paranoid that Elliot would sneak out again.

Elliot stretched his spine. "You're so dedicated," he rumbled, sarcastic.

Pierce carried two paper plates, setting one on the bed and another on the rug. He sat on the floor, leaning his back against the edge of the mattress.

"There's no syrup," Pierce said, biting into his Eggo. His big mouth consumed three-fourths of the waffle in one chomp. "I blame Blake."

Elliot peeled himself from the sheets, missing the warmth before it was even gone. He kneeled on the edge of the bed and wrapped his arms around Pierce's chest. They slanted into each other as the morning sunlight strewn over their shoulders. Elliot leaned to kiss Pierce's neck from behind. His lips were a soft starter of the day.

Pierce craned his head to give Elliot better access to his face. The blue-haired boy took advantage of the wordless permission, catching Pierce's stubble-covered jaw with his mouth. He gradually sucked on the skin, prompting Pierce to turn around completely. The mingling of their bad breaths didn't dissuade them from falling into a heavy kiss. Pierce lunged in order to hoist Elliot onto the mattress, positioning himself on top.

The Eggos had become irrelevant.

With each sweep of their lips their attachment grew lazier, more pulling, and outstretched. Pierce couldn't stop an easy smile from spreading across his face.

"Can I make you another meal tonight?" Pierce offered, drawing away only far enough to speak. "Ramen noodles in a very classy Styrofoam cup?"

Elliot was swooning, but said, "I can't. I have to study for a lab exam."

Pierce released a long exhale, suggesting, "I can study with you."

"You don't study," Elliot attested. "You distract me until I give you attention."

Pierce feigned offense.

Elliot downplayed a grin, saying, "I should get dressed."

"That would be counterproductive," Pierce said. His hands snuck underneath the oversized t-shirt Elliot was wearing. He pulled up the hem, revealing Elliot's bare stomach.

"You have practice this morning," Elliot reminded him, breath hitching. Pierce had already brought his mouth to his belly button.

"I decided to be late today," Pierce replied, descending lower.

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