First Talk With Mate

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(From Last Chapter)-Upon opening the doors, the smell hits me of vanilla, cherries, and books. Unquestionably, the most amazing and comforting smell in the world. The smell of my mate.

The impact of the smell hits me to where I am bent over for a minute. After picking my head up, I am met with the most handsome men looking at me in concern. He looks about my age of 25, over six feet tall, Caucasian, extremely muscular, brown hair, and brown eyes.

He opens his mouth to speak in a deep, powerful voice, says-Are you okay, Miss. Williams?

The only word going through my mind is my wolf chanting-Mate, Mate, Mate....

(Penelope's POV)

While one part of my mind is chanting mate, the rational side is trying to figure out quickly what I should do. If I run it will seem suspicious. Also, I would probably never be able to talk or see Helena again because they can always link me to her. She is going to be heartbroken since this was meant to be at least a year where we can be close to each other again. Hopefully, I can turn this into my favor so I can stay for a year and then convince Helena to start over somewhere else. Ultimately, I am just going to have to ensure that he never touches me now or within the contracted year.

During my inner monologue, he moves closer and starts to reach out his hand to touch me. His action immediately snaps me back into the present.

Jerking away from his hand, I yell-Do not under any circumstances touch me!

His face turns to shock and he asks-Why?

Making sure there is enough distance between us, I say-I am sure you are aware of my family history. All I know from an alphas's or males's touch is pain. I vowed to myself I would never allow an alpha or male to touch me again.

He actually looks sad at my words. After a moment he says-I am not like your father or any other person who has hurt you. Furthermore, this pack is not like the makeshift one your father has created. Our pack is based on kindness, respect, and family. We treat each other with respect and do not demand respect based on our gender or social positions.

He continues-Above all, I want you to know my pack cherishes and protects our females. Not because of the stereotypical reason of them being for the most part physically weaker than males. The true reason is because of the greatest gift they give us, the power of life and love. A true man knows that he is nothing without a strong female. If a male adult hurts a female in this pack, it is basically an automatic sentence of being kicked out of the pack.

He concludes his speech-Hopefully within time you will be able to truly believe the truth of my words. However, I know actions speak louder than words. So my first action is I am not going to purposely touch you without your permission unless it is a dire emergency.

His words calm her down. At least she does not have to worry about him touching her. She is just going to have to make sure he has no reason to touch her for the year she is going to be working here.

She smirks a little and says-You are talking as if you are already granting me the position without even interviewing me for yourself first.

He smirks a little back and says-My instincts are telling me you belong here. Plus you have a tremendously impressive resume. However, I am still going to interview you myself before officially offering you the position. Since it is my professional duty to ensure that you live up to your reputation.

Fully smirking now, she says-Game on.

He directs her to the seat in front of his desk. Once he sits down at his desk he began the hour of grilling her of everything she has done in business and all the information she knows about business. Additionally, he gave her practice problems and had her solve them.

Once he finished he sat for a moment stunned at her responses.

A moment later he smiles and says-I am most grateful that you applied here. You are an exceptional candidate. It will be my honor to work with you.

He continues-Your request for protection from your parents or anyone who would take you back to them was automatically approved. Clearly, I told you we protect the females in this pack. As for the other conditions you have mentioned to my beta, I accept them on one condition. First, Ben has informed me he has let you know that I can order my pack to mostly stay away from you except the pack members who work here. Additionally, I will order them to not touch you unless in a dire emergency. However, I want your word you will give the people of this pack a chance. I will never require you to join the pack or hold you hostage in a place you do not want to be. Nevertheless, the people of this pack are kind hardworking people. It might be nice for you to have some friends.

Straight-faced she says-I will never let myself be under the influence of an alpha. So let me make myself perfectly clear. In this building, you will be my boss and I will be your employee. Not alpha and a lower level female wolf. Every interaction between us will be professional and work-related. Nevertheless, I will accept your condition of giving the pack members a chance. As of right now I plan to be here for the contracted year and then leave with no ties and nothing holding me back. That does not mean I cannot be kind to the people of your pack and be as open as I am comfortable with during my limited time here.

After she finished her proclamation he replies-Hopefully that will not be the case in a year. Only time will tell.

He leaves the room for a moment to grab the contract. A few minutes later, he puts the contract on his desk and pushes it forward so they are not touching.

She takes her time to thoroughly read the contract before signing. It is official now. She has to stay at Thomas International for at least a year. Working directly under her mate and having to ensure he never touches her or she will be detected. Hopefully this does not blow up in her face and she can remain hidden.

(Since I am posting it after midnight, it is officially my birthday. This is my gift to all of you. Hopefully you all like it. I wrote it kinda in a hurry since I have been busy with schoolwork. The next update will not be until the first week of may when I am done with finals)

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