Chapter 8

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lumiere POV

* I hear screaming * I Don't know what happened there. * thinks * 

 * I went delirium room* ..... Delirium anything is okay 

"* sigh and little worried * I don't know...."  delirium say

he had nightmare Hal say 


im not sure how the nightmare went....all I know is that it was not a good dream  

I guess.... 

*oddball noise from his room*

oddball pov

laying down on floor and don't says anything *

" * looks at me I was laying down * ODDBALL!!!!!!  "  delirium yell 

*bleeding and don't say anything *  

I'm dead I think not I'm alive 

I am staying river cave. I'm far away from my house. I'm fine. * sigh *
* thinks * 

.... * looks at somethings * 

* sad* O..oddball delirium say 

 * scared to ask * nothing..... * tears*  delirium say

l'm hiding in darkness.

ODDBALL delirium say

* jumps and hold on sharp rock top on cave * 

Oddball!! Where is he. * worried * anything is okay now  delirium say

 ........ -_- * my mind: no i don't want come out*. 

* fall ground * 

!!!! that you oddball ! delirium say

* fall ground and laying down floor * 

I guess not. * keep find him and walk*  delirium say 

o...ow my head. * get up and my hands just broke rock* ??..... What the heck * whispers and sigh* how I broke rock and I'm confused .

* hear broke rock noise * Oddball * walk back and stop and look at you* Oh my gosh.  delirium say 

delirium? * pat him slowly * why are you small? 

....... Don't ask that question but you are * sigh* ..........gosh * worried *  delirium say 

 so delirium cave so clam.  

i don't know.  delirium say 

oh come on delirium 

fine. * looks at him* delirium say 

* thinks about something * ......... * sigh * 

Lumiere POV

I am still my room.
But door locked. I trying think. I know delirium was still upset and sad about oddball. * sigh * I trying clam him down. But still not working clam him down. 

I promise delirium everything be okay.

* trying light up find my book * ..... 

I'm outside I lost my own book. I need find it soon. 

oh wait other? Look like same delirium. Why wear gold clothes. Ummmm. Why that person live cold place. I don't see there face.  

*runs up to Lumiere in tears* m-miss..?..can you help my friend..? Azazel say 


 t-thank you d-did much ma'am..!   say Azazel 

your welcome 

*I went oddball room there pictures of him and his little sister*Wait did oddball had sister? That weird oddball don't tell us he had sister. I don't know where is he. I think he with delirium I guess. 

Oddball pov

 ...... * tears*  

oddball are you ok?  delirium say 

oh yeah I'm fine * bad memories lost his sister many years * ........ *lied* 

"maybe we going back home. Lumiere will worried about us. "  delirium say 

oh right let's go.  

hazel pov

*  killed someone shape at ice cave * you never stop me.

* bleeding and drying *  ????   drying 

you will died soon I don't trust anyone only my friend  I trust them 

hysteria POv 

?? What happened to you. 

* mad and upset * I'm not ready to talking * bleeding *  gamer hysteria say 

come on please tell me what happened to you.  

I get fight against someone.  gamer hysteria say 


my friend. He live on city.  gamer hysteria say 

gamer hysteria Pov

.... I'm not coming out. * cry* why me. My friends lies to me they hurt me. 
* door knock * 
Who is there and please leave me alone. 

* I went outside and someone put me in water and drown  and swim up * 

BROTHER !!!!! HELP !!!!! SOMEONE !!!! ANYONE????!!!!

*cant swim * 

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