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Before I start off, this is a reminder that this is just a rant and I'm not telling anyone to do this... though it would be nice.

Now let's begin!

Let me define culture shock for you: "Culture shock is a sense of anxiety, depression, or confusion that results from being cut off from your familiar culture, environment, and norms when living in a foreign country or society. Those experiencing culture shock go through distinct phases of euphoria, discomfort, adjustment, and (maybe) acceptance"

WHY. THE FUCKKKKKK. IS NO ONE IN HOGWARTS FACING ANY CULTURE SHOCK?!?!? Muggle-borns and muggle-raised students are literally thrown into a whole new world. This is more than just a new country with some different customs, foods, and shit like that. THIS IS A MAGICAL SOCIETY. AND NOT ONLY THAT, A MAGICAL SOCIETY STUCK IN THE MEDIEVAL TIMES! 

How is nobody struggling to adjust?! In canon and in fanfics, all the muggle-born and muggle raised students are just able to assimilate to the wizarding world so easily! And not only that, happily embrace it! No struggle, no issues, no rejection, no culture shock, nothing! 

Here are some reasons why I think a muggle-born or muggle-raised student would struggle or not accept the wizarding world: 


The wizarding world is stuck in Medieval hell, you guys.

I don't even buy the whole 'magic and technology don't mix', there's many instances in the book that say otherwise. Arthur Weasley was able to charm a car, hell even if the Ministry uses and charms them (they provided the Weasleys with one in book three because of Sirius). They also used radios, you guys, what the absolute fuck. 

So going off on this, I'm pretty sure they can use technology as long as they mix it with some magic like Arthur did. They just choose to stay in Medieval hell. 

So I doubt they'll ever try mixing tech with magic because they're so fucking anti-muggle! They don't even bother to learn about technology (or anything about muggles tbh). Every time a muggle gadget is brought up, they always look down on it and say 'that's so unnecessary, why do that when you have magic?' BECAUSE THEY DON'T FUCKING HAVE MAGIC, NANCY, SO THEY GOTTA ACTUALLY USE THEIR BRAINS AND MAKE SOLUTIONS TO THEIR PROBLEMS INSTEAD OF WAVING A GODDAMN STICK AROUND. 

Anyways, can any of you guys imagine yourselves suddenly being taken to this super cool magical school... and all your tech shit just stops working. You have an essay due? You'll have to figure out how to write with a quill and write it out yourself instead of typing it! Oh, and you don't have Google so you'll have to go to the library and search through ALLLL the books to find the info you want! 

You've finished all your homework and want to finally go play your video games? Nope! You'll have to wait until Christmas break because your Switch doesn't work here! Oh you miss your family and want to talk to them? Here's an owl! Just wait about five days for them to reach your loved ones and then another five days for the owl to come back with their reply! 

I would fucking HATE it you guys, I'd hate it so much. But all the OCs never talk about and easily assimilate with their fucking quills and shit. Imagine not being able to text any of your muggle friends or family for months on end until a holiday comes. Or if you use social media to get the latest news (on politics, entertainment, sports, crime, whatever), and you just completely miss out on everything. 


The muggle raised kid would be stuck in a magical castle with no other signs of civilization nearby other than the tiny wizarding village. 

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