chapter eighteen

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"Bye, Finley! See you after school!" Julian called out before closing the front door. 

I smiled into my coffee. Mikeal had surprisingly didn't mind Finley following me downstairs this morning. He had taken one glance at us, the corners of his lips quirking, and then he sipped his coffee. I went out with Finley in the backyard for a few minutes before the twins came down for breakfast, Julian had lit up instantly and could hardly keep himself from scratching Finley behind the ears. 

Finley, of course, soaked up all the attention and love. His giant brown eyes were full of so much adoration when he looked at us. Naturally, he was curious, too, so when Mikeal was gathering his things for work, Finley followed. Mikeal paused at the front door, car keys in hand, and Finley slowly wagged his tail. Mikeal bent down and awkwardly patted Finley's head before heading out.

My smile grew after witnessing the little interaction. Finley was effectively wiggling himself into the broken pieces of our family and somehow drawing out the joy we thought we lost. I hadn't seen everyone smile so much, and it had only been twenty-four hours since Finley joined us. 

If no one else called to claim Finley, he already had a home. 

After the twins left for school and the house fell to silence, I only took another sip of my coffee before I stood up from the kitchen stool. I had an exam at eight am, and it was five till, so I headed upstairs with Finley's claws ticking on the floor behind me. I could really get used to that sound. 

I settled at my desk and took a deep breath. I looked at Finley, who laid down by my door, "Well, here I go. Wish me luck." I told him and then I opened my timed exam when the clock struck eight. 

I always hated timed things, it made my anxiety go wild, and I had exactly forty-five minutes to answer fifty-six questions. I did good on the first half of the exam but when the questions started to get harder, my leg began bouncing from the anxiety I felt clawing its way through my veins, and suddenly Finley was there. 

He sat down next to my chair and then he laid his head across my lap. I glanced down at him, he blinked up at me, and his gentle presence brought a calmness to my mind. I took a deep breath and refocused on the exam questions. I held my breath when the time ran out, seconds after I answered the last question, and the exam submitted itself. 

An antagonizing five seconds later, I saw my score. 

A ninety-seven percent. 

"Yes!" I fist-pumped the air and then I grinned at Finley, running my hands through his soft fur, "You are good luck, buddy," I leaned down and kissed the crown of his head, "Thank you." 

He licked the palm of my hand. 

"Come on, you must be starving," I left my laptop open, I had a class later this morning but I had time to find food. I should have made a trip to the local pet store for dog food but I hadn't even thought of it. "When the twins get home, we'll go shopping for you," I assured Finley. 

It wasn't until I was standing in front of the refrigerator that I realized Finley had picked something up on our way. I frowned, "Finley, what are you eating?" He perked his ears but kept gnawing on the black thing between his paws. "No, bad, drop it!" I snapped my fingers, moving to him, and he instantly scrambled backward. 

"Is that..." 

"My sock." Ezra's voice said behind me, rather unpleased, if I might add. I spun to face him. He definitely just woke up. Clad in sweatpants and a plain t-shirt, his dark hair was messy but his eyes were sharp as he looked at me, then Finley. 

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