hulk smash

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Natasha's breaths came in pants as she watched bruce writhe in pain, his body contorting, growing and green. Panic overwhelmed her as she pulled her foot from under the metal trapping it, taking too long as when she had finished the hulk was staring at her. A moment of complete stillness enveloped them before Natasha ran as fast as she was able in the opposite direction, hulks roars following her.

She dodged metal pipes until she couldn't hear the hulk any more and hid behind a metal crate, rubbing her injured ankle gently, pulse racing. Slowly she began to calm down as the silence pressed down on her.  She didn't even have time to scream when an enormous hand grabbed her from behind.

The hulk ripped at Natasha, pulling her catsuit till it fell in tatters to the floor. Fear had parylised her voice as she was bare to the monster before her. He gave her no chance to recover as he turned her to face away from him and shoved his painfully erect 10 inch cock inside her, drawing a scream from the assassin as she was stretched beyond her limits.  Hulk set an animilistic pace slamming inside her forcefully with each thrust, grunting his pleasure as blood dripped down her thighs to collect on the floor. Natasha tried in vain to escape, clawing at the floor as she was set down on her knees, the hulk still ripping into her, his grip transferring to her hips with crushing force. Natasha gave up, going limp as the monster behind her sped up nearing his completion. A wince was all she was able to do as hulks grip tightened on her hips and he stilled pushing into her as far as he could go as semen filled her with stinging heat and overflowing to mix with her blood on the floor.

The hulk didn't move for a few moments,  catching his breath, before pulling out of Natasha with a sick pop and a flood of green tinted semen. Slowly he stood, never taking his eyes off of her before roaring loudly and sprinting off.

hulk, smashOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora