Chapter Ten

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—First Person POV.—

"What have you done?" Shiozaki worriedly questioned Todoroki while I poured her some tea "What did I do?" Todoroki carelessly repeated, taking a sip of his tea "I'm talking about last night."

"Why did you break an innocent guards arm.. And why did you lock up the Princess? Do you have any idea how infuriated the Prince was?" She asked, watching as Todoroki placed his cup down.

"I had a terrible time calming everyone down." She sighed "I simply returned the favor." He answered nonchalantly, tilting his head to the side and glancing out a nearby window.

"Yes, I'm sure." She shook her head before turning to me "Sister (Y/n), what a difficult day you had yesterday. Are you okay?"

I nodded "Yes, I came back safe and sound. Thank you for your concern." I answered, watching as she nodded back, gracefully holding her cup out for me to refill.

I took a step towards her and poured more tea into her glass, getting a small thank you before they continued conversing with each other.

I glanced towards the Duke, tilting my head as he continued to get scolded over the whole situation he had apparently created the moment I went to bed 'Did he take revenge for me? He should've told me, I would've applauded him.' I sighed.

After a while, I was dismissed by Todoroki to get something to eat and return whenever he called.

Now as I walked through the halls of the manor with not much to do— I had just finished the last of my lunch and was contemplating on whether or not I should just head to my room— But I ended up running into Momo.

"I'm glad you're here." She stated, causing me to pause in my steps as she approached me "Here you go." She held out a small green container to me.

I sent a confused glance her way before grabbing it, examining the container before bringing it in and holding it at my side "Should I bring it to the Duke?" I questioned, watching as she shook her head.

"That's for you." She nodded her head at the container "It's good for bruises, so put it on before you go upstairs." Momo easily explained.

'Medication..? Is this from Lord Todoroki?' I nodded "Thank you Momo." I thanked, smiling as she walked away, tending to her chores and duties as head maid.

'He should've given it to me himself, Wimp.' I chuckled, heading off to my room and opening the container, dipping my finger in to the dark green substance.

My face scrunched up in disgust "Ew, It's stinks.. What is this?" I complained before spreading some of the gross smelling medicine on to my bruised wrist.

'Does my blood smell this gross?' I rubbed it into my skin, wincing towards the subtle pressure on my wrist. I sparsely sniffed my bruised wrist, inhaling the gross scent before shaking my head 'I hear it so often it's getting to me.'

'What does my blood smell like?'

A knock alerted me someone was outside my room "(Y/n)! Lord Todoroki is summoning you to his office." A voice called from my door "Okay!" I replied before hearing their footsteps retreat from my room.

I turned, closing the lid to the medicine before I tossed the container on to my bed. I quickly wrapped my wrist with a bandage and left my room, now making my way up the few staircases.

Once I walked into his office he commanded me to unbox a few books placed behind the door.

I swiftly got to work, opening the boxes one by one while he worked at his desk. After I had finished unboxing and putting away most of the books, I paused, looking up to meet Todoroki's stare.

Our Bloody Flowers. (Shoto Todoroki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now