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AYEAYECAPTAIN: alright, so here's the deal.
two of our players are out of commission and i'm not going to track down Sakusa.

ATSUMU: wait wait who's the third one??
why would you need to track down omi??
what's going on??

BARNEY: cap this is cryptic asf.

SHISHI: lamer, volleyball version of 'hey OP wtF does this mean'

AYEAYECPATAIN: cut it out and let me tell you.
Sakusa sent me an email telling me he won't be at practice today.
Hinata already asked for an off-day and Adriah had a family emergency that came up.
Which is WHY (had you listened before you might have known this) i'm canceling practice.

ATSUMU: wait but you can't do that??
we have a game w the rajins comin up and i'll be
if i lose against suna 😤😤😤
istg his ugly face mocks me in my dreams
he got samu to take his side over mine
that's manipulation thru the use of sex

SHISHI: i hated every second of reading that.

BOKKUN: i think there are better ways to combine those two words 😝

BARNEY: dicksploitation

the point is that he's my brother so he should automatically be on my side
but he's not which means we have to absolutely obliterate sunarin on court so that we don't add any fuel to the fire that is osamu's assholery

AYEAYECAPTAIN: personal vendettas aside, you make a very compelling argument but i honestly don't care.
i've already canceled it so that's that.
not to mention that i thought you guys would be psyched about an off day.

SHISHI: oh I am. it's just atsumu who's not because he won't get to see his boyfriend 😏

BOKKUN: no omi = sad tsumu 🥲

BARNEY: *whispers* whiiiipped

SHISHI: omi-o omi-o wherefore art thou omi-o *faints*

BOKKUN: *feints haha i'm funny

ATSUMU: i hate all of you so much.

BARNEY: hear that guys, he can't accept the truth
so sad 😔

BOKKUN: he refuses to see the light 😔🙏

SHISHI: pray for him 😔🙏

ATSUMU: won't do much cuz we're all going to hell
u guys specifically
for this in particular




ATSUMU: i knew i should've signed on w the adlers istg

BOKKUN: but then you wouldn't have reunited with Omi-San 😩

BARNEY: your epic love story would've been stopped before it began 😭

ATSUMU: it's not an epic love story 🙄
he doesn't even like me

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