Like an Onyx Angel

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Izumi glared at the large winged woman as she hovered over top of Senji, the woman rubbed her fingers through Senji's snow white short hair, a vein grew on Izumi's temple as the winged woman looked Senji in his eyes. " Get off him now ! " An angered voice yelled at the woman, Senji looked over to Izumi and recognized that it was her voice that yelled at the woman." I told you already get off him now, I won't say it again." 

Izumi had a dark aura around her as she spoke to the woman, Senji could see it, he never seen Izumi angry before, but inside him he could tell that she was pissed at the woman at the moment, the silver haired woman turned to Izumi and gave her a bored look." Or What ? You'll run away and call for help ? scream to the top of your lungs ?" The silver haired woman asked with a smug smile on her face. 

" No." Izumi answered quickly, The tall well endowed girl walked closer to them, then drop kicked the woman sending her flying back out the window, Izumi got off the ground and grabbed Senji's hat, she dusted the hat off and threw it on Senji's stomach." Let's go before she come ba-" 

Izumi was suddenly cut off when a voice yelled from outside." Onyx Javelin !" Suddenly a black Javelin flew threw the window and stabbed Izumi clean through the chest, then pinned her to the wall, Izumi looked down to the black javelin perforating her chest. Senji jumped from the bed, he was about to try and help Izumi, but she put a hand up stopping him." Don't worry about me run !" She told him. 

Senji nodded listening to her, but before he could run, he felt arms wrap around his stomach and pull him backwards, he looked back to see the dark skinned silver haired woman, pulling him towards the window. The woman pulled the two of them out of the window, and used her wings to slow their descend to the ground, then went into a glide." Don't worry Senji these wings aren't just for show, and I wouldn't dare try to drop you." The woman informed him. 

When she started to flap her onyx wings she began to get some height and almost made it above the school, but her attempt of escaping with Senji was put to an end when Izumi jumped from a window above the woman and landed straight on her back. When Izumi had one arm around the woman's neck, she used her free hand to start punching the woman in the head as she started to strike the woman, she began to fly around erratically.

Suddenly the woman started to badly glide into the court yard of the school, she dropped Senji as she glided towards the ground, at the last moment Izumi let go of the woman, Senji landed inside of the school's fountain, unfortunately Izumi landed on the rim of the fountain stomach first, and started coughing from the impact she made," Izzy !? Are you okay ?" Senji asked as he tried to approach her. She put a hand up to stop him," I'm fine." She told him between coughs, 

Izumi soon pulled herself up and climbed out of the fountain, she turned her gaze to the winged woman who was hovering in the air with her wings flapping to keep her air born, the woman glared at Izumi, and Izumi gave an expressionless look back to the silver haired woman." What are you girl ? A normal girl would've ran after seeing my wings, a normal girl would've died from the injury I gave you, and a normal person would've died from the fall you've been through. What are you ? " The woman asked. 

The almost emotionless girl just looked at the dark skinned woman, she didn't answer her and the two just had a stare down as the students of the school watched from their classroom windows, some of them started talking to one another and the two could hear everything they said.

" Is That Izumi-chan ?"A student asked

" Holy crap it is !." A student answered.

" Whoa that woman has wings."  Another student said in awe.

" Cool this is like one of those weird animes." One more student added

" Ha, Senji looks like a total puss cowering in the fountain." One of the students laughed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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