Chapter 20

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I wanna fuck a girl... ... anyways.


The next morning, I woke up on top of Callum's chest that was pushing up and setting down with every breath he took. I lifted my head to look at his face, his hair was out of place and falling over his forehead but he still managed to look handsome. His stubble was starting to grow out since he was too lazy to shave it.

I looked at the clock, it was only eight but I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Instead, I gave Callum a short kiss and got up.

After throwing on a pair of his sweatpants and shirt, I made my way to the kitchen to make us some coffee. As I walked through the dining room, my heart skipped a beat when I saw a lone figure sitting at the table. It was Sin.

The only sound that could be heard was the sound of his fingers making contact with the keyboard on the laptop he was using.

I cleared my throat to get his attention, he obviously heard it but didn't acknowledge my presence.

"Would you like some coffee, sir?" I spoke up. No answer.

After waiting a couple more seconds and realizing I wouldn't be getting an answer from this guy, I just rolled my eyes and headed into the kitchen.

When the coffee was ready, I poured it into three different cups. I placed one of them on a tray along with some leftover pastries and went back into the dining room to place it beside him.

"Is Jasmine still sleeping?" He just shrugs, "Cause she might have a hangover when she wakes up, do you want me to show you where the Advil is to give to her?"

He ignored me, still typing on his keyboard and pretending I wasn't there. Where are this man's manners?

I went back into the kitchen to grab the other two coffees before going back and sitting right across from him, just staring at him while taking loud sips out of my cup.

After a few more minutes, he got tired of it and slammed his laptop shut then glared at me.

"What the fuck is your problem?" His cold voice sent a nervous shiver up my spine, making my nerves skyrocket. This guy was not one to be messed with, that was obvious.

But was that going to stop me? No. When has it ever?

I just shrugged, making him angrier as the veins in his arms became visible from how tight he was squeezing his fist.

"I asked you a fucking question." The anger in his tone made my stomach churn.

"Can I be brutally honest without you hurting me?" I needed to be sure before opening my mouth.

But he didn't respond, just gave me a blank look.

"Fine, I think you don't take care of Jasmine enough, I think she's been thrown into this lifestyle with no one to lean on for support and her own husband can't even seem to give it. I think that even though you can see she is lost and in pain, you keep your distance from her and make her feel more alone from the way you've shut her out. She deserves better than you, better than this life and you can help her achieve that but you don't." By the time I was done, my chest was heaving up and down in anger.

I couldn't blame all of this on Sin, but he was the only one that could physically and emotionally take care of this girl, but he seemingly hasn't made any effort to do so since one of his best friends could easily violate her every chance he got for weeks.

He stared at me with no emotion, like nothing was going through that brain of his. His dark eyes were empty and bland like he was dead inside but his body was still functioning. He was like a dead man walking.

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