t h i r t y

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"what the fuck?" amelia uttered running to flick the lights on

"dude" alex muttered

the lights flickered on, and the girls found the guys all huddled in the corner in pain.

"this is why the ache didn't go away" amelia muttered "you guys are still here. no, no no no no no!"

"i thought you guys crossed over. why didn't you cross over?" julie begged

tears rolled down amelia's face "the orpheum wasn't your unfinished business"

"point caleb" reggie groaned

"we wanted you to think we crossed over, so we pretended too" luke explained "we just had no where else to go"

"we thought you'd go straight to bed" reggie explained

alex shook his head "i knew they were going to come out here, but no one ever listens to me"

amelia sobbed "you guys have to go. save yourselves"

"go join caleb's club. please! it's better than not existing at all!" julie cried "please just go!"

"poof out! do something! please. do it for us!" amelia begged

"we're not going back there" reggie took a step closer towards amelia

luke stepped towards julie "no music is worth making, julie, if we're not making it with you and meels. no regrets"

"i love you guys" julie and amelia yelled, amelia threw her arms around reggie, while julie did the same for luke.

julie pulled away from luke, holding him at arms length as he started glowing "wait. how can i feel you?"

"i don't know" luke cried "i feel stronger"

reggie started glowing as amelia cried into his chest "me too"

"alex come on" julie opened her arms for alex, "come on meels, reggie"

everyone hugged in a big group hug, everyone was crying as they held onto each other tightly "i don't feel as weak anymore... not that you know, i was ever that weak"

suddenly everyone was forced away and a purple stamp lifted off the guys wrists. "whoa, what do you think that means?" reggie asked

"i think the bands back" luke grinned

alex smiled softly "you guys think we could try that hug thing one more time?"

"hugs are good" amelia agreed as they all hugged again

julie started jumping up and down "we played the orpheum!" she yelled

they all pulled away, but before anyone could say anything else, amelia had a sudden burst of confidence. she grabbed reggie by the shirt and pulled him down to her height. she smashed her lips against his and kissed him passionately. reggie froze for a moment before kissing back.

they pulled away and rested their foreheads against each other. "i love you too" amelia whispered

"alright alright, that's my sister" luke pulled reggie away as a joke and hit his back.

amelia chuckled and hugged luke tightly. "i'm glad you guys are staying" she then switched from luke to hugging alex.


the guys and girls ended up having a sleepover in the studio, forgetting all about the explanations that they had to give to both carlos and amelia's parents. they were just basking in the feeling that everything was gonna be okay.

amelia and reggie were sat on the studio roof, reggie was sat, while amelia was laid between his legs against his chest. "i'm glad you are still here"

"me too" reggie replied

"i wasn't ready to lose you" amelia smiled at him "the thought that you were gonna disappear without me telling you how i feel"

"i knew" reggie told her softly "you didn't need to say it"

amelia nodded "but i needed you to know"

"i love you" reggie grinned

"i love you too" amelia beamed

"i told you they'd be out here" luke's voice called

amelia shook her head and called back "we weren't exactly trying to hide"

"ray called julie back in, said it was time for breakfast, she said to sent you in too" alex said

"i better go in before we get a search party" amelia chuckled, she pulled out her phone from her pocket noticing a text from her mom waiting on her lock screen "oh shit"


"parents at the orpheum. last night"

"oh" luke said "ohhhh"

"yeah, i've got some explaining to do" amelia nodded "i'll go have breakfast and then go home"


the doorbell rang, interrupting julie and amelia from having their breakfast. "i'll get it" amelia offered. she walked towards the front door, opening it was a smile "julie! it's nick"

julie appeared beside her "hi nick"

nick whipped his head around and smiled at julie, it looked slightly crazied, and amelia felt like something was off. he handed julie a bouquet of flowers with a nod of his head before walking away.

"that was weird" amelia said

"i'm sure it was nothing....."

boy was julie wrong.

𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆 ~ 𝒓𝒆𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora