Chapter 8

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Valerie's POV

I woke up to someone throwing water on my face. I looked around and saw myself tied to a chair. "Asshole it could've been warm at least." I could tell it was around 5 in the morning.

I ran out the place and saw people outside then I saw Issac. Then the sergeant walked over to me. "Rodgers you just took down 4 of my best guys. Said Sergeant." "Well Sir when you get a call your family os gonna get killed you kinda wanna get their before their dead yknow."

"You idiots you were supposed to say something else not that. Said John." "Well Sir what was this for." "Anyways your gonna do 1 month here then I'm sending you off you'll come back here don't worry but I'm sending you in the field see how you do. Said Sergeant."

"Yes Sir but if you excuse me I'm gonna sleep because your guys threw cold water on me instead lf warm rude." He shook his head and laughed a little and I walked off and went back to sleep.

Klaus POV

It's been 6 years since Valerie died. Freya keeps trying to bring her back but she can't. Hope has even tried to help along with Davina the three of them tried but failed. Hope is always crying and Hayley cries all the time to. I've been painting pictures of Valerie lately.

I was a horrible father to her we all treated her badly yet she still got Hope a gift for their birthday when she got know. Then Marcel walked in the compound.

"Val I'm back. Said Marcel." We all looked at him he came and sat down. "Where's Valerie. Said Marcel." "She died Marcel she killed herself 6 years ago." He stood up quickly.

"I knew I shouldn't have left her here. I knew something like this would've happened to her because of you guys. Said Marcel." "It wasn't us who killed her. Said Hayley." "No but you put that sweet incconent little girl through hell and she still managed to find love for you guys. Said Marcel."

He walked out pissed. We were all sad. "He's right we treated her bad but we need to move on now she's dead. Dead's dead nothing you can do. Said Hayley."

We all agreed and moved on like she wasn't even here. I mean we all mourned for her so we are moving on now we can't do anything so it doesn't matter any more.

Sorry it's short.
Tired post later.

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