i love you

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Annas POV:
eva fell asleep in my arms while we were on the roof so i brought her to my bed and layed down right next to her

she looks so beautiful when she sleeps

a: hey i know your asleep but eva you should know that i have never felt this type of connection to someone like i have with you and honestly today was the best day of my life because not only we got to explore so many fun places and things but i got to do it with the girl i fell for. eva i know you cant hear me but thank you for being in my life.(i whispered and kissed her forehead)

i layed back down and went to sleep

*next morning

its monday the day we all dread

we have school today which sucks but its whatevr

a: hey eva wake up we got school (i said tapping her shoulder)
e: 5 more minuets please
a: okay fine im gonna get ready

my cast was filthy so i took it off

i wrapped it with this gauze thing a had bc it hurts really bad but i hate wearing it

my parents were supposed to come home this weekend but of course they didnt

i mean im pretty used to not having them around

they think that its okay to just give me money and not any affection whatsoever

my friends are my family

Evas POV:
i was gonna get ready since we have school but i dont wanna go ugh

e: hey anna can we skip?
a: no we gotta go school we already skipped detention last week and we cant get in trouble more since we graduate this year
a: oh and make sure you wear a hoodie
e: why
a: uh your neck
e: anna what did you do
a: got a little carried away

my neck is filled w hickeys from last night

and she has a point we dont wanna risk not graduating bc of poor attendance

e: fine but can we get breakfast
a: yea sure

we left the house and drove to a diner for breakfast bc we still have 1 hour before school starts

we sat at a table to eat

a: eva
e: yea
a: you havent been home in a long time

shes right ive basically been living with anna since i got here. but my mom hasnt even called or anything to check up on me so tbh i dont really wanna go home. my mom drives me crazy

e: i dont really wanna go home
a: but what about your mom shes probably worried about you
e: my mom could care less where i am
a: im sure she does care but if you really dont wanna thats okay i like having you stay at my house too

we talked for a bit longer and i learned that me and anna both have very shitty parents

we finshed eating and drove to school we stayed in the car because we still had like 10 mins before we had to go to class

i love her

i really love her

maybe even more than myself

e: anna
a: yea eva
e: i-i think i love you
e: its okay if you dont love me back yet i just thought i should tell you because its been killing me not to tell you
a: eva i love you

Annas POV:

e: am i dreaming?
a: nope
e: i love you so much

a darker kind of goodbyeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora