Chapter 3

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Kokichi POV

After leaving Miu's room, I headed to my room. It was 7:30 pm, I had to think of a way to not get myself killed. I wouldn't have minded dying if it weren't for my plan. I already had all the things I needed from Miu, I had the remote, electrobomb, and the electrohammers. My plan was ready, but I needed to stay alive for it, nobody else knows about this plan, yet.

I was in my room laying down on my bed, thinking of how to avoid getting killed. She said she was still making the virtual world and she'd finish it in two days. So that's most likely when I'm going to get killed, I have more than enough time to think of a plan.

An hour passed, no ideas. Well, I did have one idea.. to assassinate Miu before she assassinates me, but then I would get executed. That'd be dumb, so- wait.. what if I didn't have to be the one to murder her? If someone else could kill her then.. but I don't want her to die or anyone else, what's the point of my plan if they all die? Especially by me, I absolutely hate killing. I just have to act like I love this killing game, but I don't. It's not like anyone would agree to kill Miu anyway. But, if this is my only idea, I might have to make it work...

10 minutes passed and my attempt of trying to get different ideas didn't work. I knew I wasn't going to get any more ideas so I gave up and had to go with that one idea.

I had to think of who'd be most likely to accept the offer of killing Miu. Maybe someone who hates her? I don't know who hates Miu though. Then a thought struck me.

What if I accidentally ask the mastermind to kill Miu? I knew that if that happened, it wouldn't end well. I had to ask someone who I was sure wasn't the mastermind. The only people that I was sure weren't the mastermind were the people on my trustworthy list. Gonta and Shuichi.

I knew Shuichi and Gonta wouldn't kill even if it meant their life, so I had to also think of a way to make one of them kill. I didn't want to use Shuichi because.. I decided just to use Gonta. Gonta would probably be more likely to kill if I told him a lie. I shouldn't try to work too much on this idea, there might be a motive soon that'll ruin this plan.

I wanted to take a break from all this, I went outside. Of course, nobody noticed I went outside. I looked up just to see the cage trapping us all in this weird school, but behind it, I could see the pretty glowing stars. There were two stars different from the others, one was slightly darker and one was slightly brighter.

The dark one reminded me of myself. Everyone shining brightly happily, then there's me, dark, gloomy and.. a pain to everyone. The brighter one reminded me of Shuichi. He is someone who stood out to me and is trying to help everyone survive.

Everyone liked Shuichi and everyone hated me, both including me. I like Shuichi and I hate myself. He's one of the only people who aren't that mean to me, but I deserve to be hated.

My vision was getting blurry and my cheeks felt warm. I touched my cheek, it was wet. I realized I was sobbing. I tried to stop the tears but they kept bursting out. I let the tears pass through my eyes and roll down my cheeks, slowly it reached my chin and started dripping onto my scarf. At least I was outside where nobody else was near me.

But, right when I thought that, I heard footsteps. It was Shuichi. I didn't want him to see me cry, so I immediately attempted to wipe the tears. The tears were gone, but my nose and eyes were red. Even without the tears, it was visible I was crying. Not only that but I was hiccuping from the sobbing. I had to think fast, I tried to calm myself down first. I was hiccuping less but it was too late, Shuichi noticed me and came towards me.

"Kokichi is that you? Sorry, it's a bit hard to see."

"Oh, hey...Shumai!" The result of holding in my hiccup made me pause.

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