Who are you people?

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The hoodie-clad figure was named “Drielian” but he preferred Drake.

He hated his name with a surprising zeal, but his mother insisted that it was the name that “beloved father” gave him and refused to let him change it.

He always knew his mom was a little off but he never expected something like this.

The normally spacious and silent house was filled with lively music and dancing people. Ages varied from people who looked only a year older than him, to looking ancient enough to be kept in a history museum for prosperity.

To say the least, he was surprised. To put it into the words of his friend, Scott, he was “covered in the sweet cream of stupefaction.”

Drake realized he needed better friends.

However this thought was cut short by his mom sauntering up to him with a wide grin plastered across her face.

“There’s my little girl! I’m glad you’re here in time, the party has just began, take a cup and go mingle!” Drake didn’t even know where to start with the problems in that sentence.

“First off, I’m your SON, and secondly, what is this? Who are these people?” He was miffed about the missgendering but even worse about all the strangers in his house. His mom KNEW about how bad he did with strangers and she willingly brought all of them into the house? Didn’t he get enough of this at work?

“They’re not strangers, they’re family! Oh Brenda! Its been forever, how’s the baby?” his mom got distracted and trotted away. That gave Drake some time to process what his mom just said. Family? The only family he’s ever known was his mom, step dad and half sister. In his mind there was no way all these people were related to him.

         “Are they wearing…bathrobes?” the clothes did indeed look similar to the towel wannabes but they were distinctly lacking in fluff or any other absorbent materials. He thought that maybe they looked like wool or even cotton but he shook that thought away. He had more pressing matters to attend to.

First he had to get out of the entryway as more people came walking in. Then he saw his chance. He dashed up the stairs into his room of pale green.

The only place he could be truly alone. He quickly swept the room to look for any intruders. The simple room held no secrets. His lamp was still on his bedside table, his bed was neatly made (as always) and his rug wasn’t an inch out of place. Satisfied with this side of the room, he moved to the opposite green wall to inspect the other side.

 Closet door closed, mirror clean, and door locked. Just the way he liked it.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Drake went to sit on his bed only to notice a note neatly folded on his green pillowcase. The note read as follows

         “Good afternoon my darling little girl! Today we are going to have a few guests over, some aunts and cousins from my side.

There should be a beautiful robe for you in your closet, please wear it! You have to look absolutely your best for our family. This will be the first time you meet them, after all.

          With love, Dearest Mom”

Drake groaned.

‘Why cant she just accept me for who I am? It’s not that hard. Even Torri could get it!’ he silently shouted in his mind. He wasn’t even going to get started on how the seemingly hundreds of people downstairs was far from “a few”.

 Crumpling the note, he threw the cream colored paper on the ground.

He dreaded what he would find at rest in his closet. He knew that it would have to happen sooner or later, so, with a deep breath Drake stood and trudged to his mauve painted closet. The grip of the handle was cold in his palm as he turned it.

Inside lay a robe that wasn’t nearly as bad as he would have expected. The robe was a pale red and made of silk. It was ornamented with small black beads; much different than the ones he saw the people downstairs wearing.

He paid this detail no mind and put the robe on over his binder.

Then he immediately took it off and put it on again, but the right way this time. He honestly couldn’t tell.

When he had it on the way he thought was best he was less than pleased with how it looked on his body.

It clung to his hips and his chest in a way that he guessed that people would find attractive. But it brought out his feminine features in a way that made him dysphoric. To make himself feel a little better he put shorts on underneath. This way he at least had pockets for his phone.

“Okay Drake, you can do this. You are a man and every one will respect that. Lets go, ” with his pep talk completed he decided to go down stairs to greet the mass of people.

But as he made his way to the stairs he passed his sisters door, he paused. He knew that his baby sister was worse with people than him, and that’s really saying something.

He knocked on the light orange door and heard the soft voice of his sister ask

“Who is it?” her voice shook, she was obviously upset at all the commotion downstairs.

“ Hey sis, its me, you okay in there?”  He tried hard to make his voice soft and unthreatening, he knew her well. Immediately he was pulled into a softly furnished room by a small hand.

“Bro! Who are all those people? They scare me… can you make them go away? Please?”  Her voice was still shaking and her eyes were red from crying. Drake’s heart went out to her, but he couldn’t do anything for her right now, except what he always did.

He pulled her into a hug and started to rub her back in little circles. The fabric of her shirt ticketed his fingers, but he persisted. Then he started crooning words of comfort to her, in what he called “sleepy time voice”. It was much deeper than his normal voice, but it seemed to always put little Torri right to sleep.

She gave a little sleepy noise, and he chuckled a little bit. He brought her over to her little twin-sized bed and tucked her under the covers of a dying sunset.

“Sweet dreams,” he whispered to her as he slipped out the door and back into the darkness of the hallway

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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