Chapter Thirty-One

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"Then by the sacred law vested in me, I crown you, Merlin, King of Airasan."

The raven-haired king stood up and turned around to see the crowd watching him. There were his loyal knights watching him with awe and relief that they finally had their rightful king on the throne. His manservant Milo with a smile that reached his eyes.

The knights of Camelot were easy to spot because of their red-colored ropes. They had been the most welcomed in the kingdom of Airasan after they had helped to bring down Keane. Gwaine had his usual smile that would weaken the women's knees. Percival's figure stood out because of his height and muscular body. Elyan beside him had a wondered expression like he still hadn't taken it in that Merlin wasn't just a servant. Leon smiled warmly with pride. Also, Gaius and Gwen had taken the trip to Airasan for this special occasion. They had left as soon as the news had reached them.

In the front row was his brother James smiling brightly. The previous day he had told Merlin how thrilled he was to have his brother back. They had both even shed tears. The rest of the evening had passed quickly when they recalled the adventures that had happened to them. And in the future, they could help each other to handle the pain that had come from Keane's betrayal.

And Arthur. He was standing with a relaxed but straight posture. Like he, at last, knew that everything was going to be alright. He looked at Merlin with a bright smile and when their gazes met, Merlin caught himself hoping that they could be the only ones in the room.

"Long live the king," echoed in the throne room after the crowd started chanting it.

Finally, Merlin felt at peace. He had fulfilled both of his destinies. He had taken back the kingdom from Keane. And he had helped Arthur to build the land of Albion.

A wide smile spread slowly on his lips.

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