summary + character desc

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The series of poetry begin when Park Jimin pens down his life events, letting only his journal know how he truly feels and capturing his life's moments in notes. His first entry itself shows his infatuation towards his long term friend, Jeon Jungkook, whom he befriended back when he was in pre school and was looking forward to being in a relationship with him. Things take a different turn when a person called Kim Taehyung, a very pretty peer (whom he nicknames 'Heather') enters their life and sweeps his crush off his feet. He fears from the start that Jungkook might start liking him instead and that his goal of being in a relationship with him will fade away. With time, his fears turn into a reality as Jungkook announces that he's started dating Taehyung and that news itself shatters Jimin. Still, he tries regaining his composure and stay calm until a day arrives when he gives it up, noticing how Jungkook was getting farther and farther away from him. He decides to meet up with him in person and talk his heart out, confessing to him how he loves him but gets heart broken when Jungkook doesn't reflect the same feelings. Failing to understand how it was his fault as to why they were getting distanced, he blames it on Taehyung and that angers Jungkook, who decides to take a break from their friendship due to the toxicity Jimin was putting forth. He soon realizes his mistake and is left completely broken until Taehyung comes along and notices him. Jimin confesses this to him and apologizes for being disrespectful while Taehyung keeps reassuring him that everything's alright and that he's very much loved. Soon, the seasons change and there comes another semester that brings along another student, Min Yoongi (who he nicknames 'Sugar'). It all starts with Yoongi deciding to take a seat next to him and he instantly feels a connection. He soon befriends him and Yoongi gets introduced to the rest of the group and the four of them have a jolly good time together. In the middle of those recesses, Jungkook notices Jimin having a hearty laugh and that soothes his heart and prompts him to talk to him again. Both Jimin and Jungkook make up for that time and Jungkook hints a budding relationship between the new member and his friend. Jimin shyly denies that but soon realizes his feelings for Yoongi. Time passes by and he comes closer and closer to the new entry, until one day he's invited to his house to spend the weekend and that changes everything. They spend a really good time together and by the end of it, he gets asked out to be his boyfriend. He beautifully pens down his experience of having his first kiss with his crush and how over the moon he was. It was for the first time ever a crush of his had reciprocated his feelings and he was loving that. They let the other two know and receive a warm welcome and he starts being happier. But soon the dark reality dawns upon him and he started self loathing again, wondering how his friends make him feel appreciated and loved while all he does is spread negativity. Deciding to change himself, he confesses this to Yoongi and to his surprise, he receives a positive reaction which gives him enough strength to face the other two, to whom he goes and apologizes as well. It goes smoothly and he gains their acceptance officially, but then Taehyung makes him realize how he's wrong in his approach; that his only responsibility is to make himself happy and no one else. That brings a whole new set of positive changes in him and makes him more confident than he's ever been in his life. Gaining enough courage and confidence, he decides to confess his love to his boyfriend who reciprocates his feelings. All these series of events makes him realize how blessed he is to have all his friends in life and that he's very much loved and appreciated and all he needs to do is believe in himself.


Character description:

Park Jimin

An introvert. Has really bad imposter syndrome, high functioning anxiety and possibly depression. He's had a crush on his long term best friend Jeon Jungkook but has always known that he's got no chance / future with him, knowing too well that Jungkook adores their friendship and wouldn't like to change it. He's always been shy and reserved due to which he was always short of friends and was scared to be left alone. Some may also say he has Cherophobia ー the fear of being happy for long, thinking something bad will follow.

Jeon Jungkook

An extrovert. A person who treasures his friendships more than anything else in life. He'd always suspected that Jimin liked him more than friends but decided to not speak up because he loves him a lot (as a friend) and doesn't want to ruin their friendship. He got instantly attracted to Taehyung because of his magnetic personality and a similar choice / taste in a lot of stuffs.

Kim Taehyung

An extrovert. Despite having a magnetic personality, he's always had a small friend circle. He's very warm and his older classmates would describe him as a counselor. He likes bringing people together and creating peace. He's quite affectionate and loving. He's had a crush on Jungkook ever since he first saw because of his friendliness and the fact that he was the closest to his ideal type of partner.

Min Yoongi

An introvert. A national level Basketball player. A very gentle and shy person. He'd always intended to sit on the last seat anyhow but decided to take one right next to Jimin because he seemed inviting. He felt like Jimin was just like him ー shy and reserved, which is in fact true. He'd soon developed a crush on him after just a while of talking because of how cute he was. He liked how Jimin had no filter to him and how sensitive he was (in a good manner). He felt at home being with him.


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