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Chapter 7 - Intrigue

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An elf with skin the colour of beach sand stood outside the station in Yidelhorn, scanning the passersby with golden eyes that reminded Lyrani of a falcon.

Her dark hair was pinned up. Lyrani envied her the mid-thigh length tunic she wore with sleek black leggings and a silver-edged cloak. It looked like something she'd rather be wearing instead of this frumpy dress.

The elf leaned back, blending into the carriage behind her the way Lyrani blended into the darkness.

Like the elf's uniform, the carriage was black and silver, the colours of the royal House Astor. The kingdom's emblem of a willow tree set against a star was engraved on its side—a symbol identical to that on the gauntlet Morloy had found at the burnt fairy village.

The observation gave Lyrani goosebumps.

The two hour train ride had stiffened her legs. Trelle, on the other hand, appeared to be unaffected, sauntering towards the carriage from Vlitavia with all the confidence of a lady. Lyrani hobbled after her.

The woman's keen eyes fell on them. She raised an eyebrow at Trelle. "Lady Trelle Lore and Lyrani Esch?"

They nodded.

The woman smiled as if they were old friends. "My name is Isarea Noil. I work at Vlitavia Palace. Come with me." As she turned, the light of the torches outside the station glimmered off the two silver hoops on the tip of her pointed ear. "Guilm, a little help?"

The driver, an elf with a bearded chin and round eyes that froze his face in a state of surprise, relieved Trelle and Lyrani of their trunks. Isarea opened the carriage door and gestured for them to climb inside.

Lyrani sank into the plush, front-facing seats with a sigh. They felt like a dream after those in the train. In the arms of such opulence, she could almost forget about the weight of the dresses on her lap.

The inside of the carriage was black, which Lyrani expected. What she didn't expect was to see silver stars painted on the ceiling. They looked nothing like the night's real glitter, but Lyrani smiled to think that someone at the palace had decided to add this to the carriage.

Also carrying her dresses, Trelle sat beside Lyrani. Isarea took the back-facing seat opposite them.

The driver set their trunks into the space created for them at the back of the carriage with a thud, then took his place at the front and clicked his tongue at the horses. With that, they were in motion, leaving behind the large earthen mound that was Yidelhorn Station and bumping past many smaller ones.

Light shone through the round, paned windows. Brownies' homes may look like piles of dirt on the outside, but inside were comfortable and welcoming spaces. Lyrani had seen that for herself.

The brownies tended to their homes as well as they did that of their employers when they were off work and had the time to spare for it.

"How long is it to the palace?" asked Trelle.

"About twenty minutes." Isarea tore her gaze from the window to smile at her. "It's wonderful to meet you both. Lord Dundor told me you're going to be investigating the king's...strangeness."

Lyrani and Trelle exchanged a glance.

What else had Lord Dundor told Isarea? The more she knew, the more she could threaten this mission. Not all who seemed trustworthy could be trusted.

"Don't worry. You can trust me," said Isarea as if she had read Lyrani's mind.

More likely she had read the look that passed between the ECISI agents.

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