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The clock struck 9:00 Am and all settled in dining table gobbling the food, not because they were starving but because exactly by 10:00 Am they want to leave for the water park, which they had planned to go. No elders were accompanying them, a driver is driving them to the park and back home. After breakfast,all ran to their rooms to get ready.

Horn was heard, making kids know that the driver is ready. Faisal's clan and Jannat's clan ran down with Ayaan and Shifa. All got into the car, which was spacious enough to hold Faisal, Faiz, Hasnain, Shifa, Ayaan, Jannat, Anushka and Riyaz. Their other cousins refused to accompany as its very common place and they have visited a lot of time. Though these people have as visited the water park few times, but still.

Its 2 hours travel from the place they are staying. They had loads of fun while traveling, singing loudly teasing and pulling legs, secret glance sharing.

Finally they reached, its 12 till. After reaching they got the tickets and ran inside. No elders which means more fun

The girls, removed their burqa and kept in a locker, with their belongings like purse, watches and other electronics.

First everyone walked to Jungle Lagoon. Its just a slide but it has water streaming down and a pool at the end.

Ayaan: i am so excited.

Saying this he ran followed by others. First Ayaan climbed tge stairs and as he reached, Riyaz who was behind him teasef him.

Riyaz: Ayaan careful ok, in this your back hurts a lot.

This dropped the excitement level of Ayaan a little. Seeing this Jannat scolded Riyaz.

Riyaz: sorry sorry Aayu, i just teased. Nothing of that sort will happen. Your back won't hurt.

Saying this he laughed.

Ayaan: Riyazzz bhaiyaaaa.

All laughed at his whining.

Then Ayaan sat and slid in one go and others follower all twisted and turned while sliding and finally they landed on the pool with a splash.

All laughed looking at their wet forms.

They walked to other ride which is a twister

It is same as before, but the twists are more in this. Its like spiral and bit long.

All excitedly slide down but girls qnd Ayaan got scared of the twist and started shouting while boys enjoyed the ride as well.

Finally they reached and took deep breath.

Girls were breathing heavily. Looking at this boys chuckled but let them calm down.

Next ride was BANDED KRAITS.

in this ride, the riders are to be seated in a boat and that is slid down from the water slide which is like pipe, big ine. In each boat, 3 should be seate

Faiz: i Shifa and Riyaz we three will sit in one.

Faisal: ok then, i, Naira together with may be Hasnain.

Hasnain looked at Jannat who was left out.

Jannat: tum kya andhe ho? Mai Nahi dikh rahi hun

Faisal gave a teasing smile.

Faisal: arey my minime, how will you be visible. You are soooooo shortttttt.

Jannat huffed in annoyance.

Shifa: bhai not fare ok.

Faisal: oh sister, everything is fare in Love and War.

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