Chapter 28

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" Bhaiya thoda or teekha ( a little spicier)" I said to the panipuri stall keeper.

After my plan fails I and Tia decided to come to market as it helps me to fresh my mind.

" So any new idea, " Tia asked me as we started to walk on the footpath.

" No"

" What will we do now god please help us," Tia said and suddenly there was the sound of mandir ka ghanta.

I and Tia both look in front and found devi mata mandir there.

" Are you thinking the same?" Tia asked me with a mischievous smile

" What are you thinking? "I know she has something in her mind.

" You know fear is a strong emotion which everyone uses to get people on the right path," Tia said.

" Huh?"

" Look like in our childhood how our mothers make us afraid of something dangerous for us so we stay away from it"


" So we can use this trick on Abhimanyu"

" Like a mother," I asked her.

" Yup like a mother," she said pointing towards the temple.

" Mata rani ki jai ho"

Singhania mansion


" Tip" the tablet made a sound as I drop it in water. It's a sleeping tablet which is for Abhimanyu it's all a part of our plan I hope it works this time.

It was dinner time and I'm already sitting in my seat waiting for Abhimanyu to come. Finally, after some time he comes and sat on his chair and I was waiting for him to drink the water which has a tablet but no he starts eating. Yeh pagal ha kya ( is he crazy)

" Take a picture," he said.

" Huh?"

" You are staring at me for half n hour so I ask you to take a picture"

" I'm not staring at you"

" Ya ya"

And I focus on my plate after we finish our food I look towards Abhimanyu he already has glass in his hand and he was taking it close to his mouth and



He drinks it yay first step got successful.

It was midnight both Abhimanyu and I are laying on the bed with him on the right side and I'm on the left side the tablet should start working now so I decided to check and yes it is working he is in deep sleep.

It's time for the execution of the plan and I get down from the bed and go to the washroom to get ready.

As I come outside I close the curtains so there is no light coming into the room it was pitch black. I wear a saree and a crown so I look like mata rani to him.

Let's start

" Putra" ( son)


"Putra," I said loudly this time and he stirs in his sleep and opens his eyes slowly blinking it few times.

"Who are you?" he asked sleepily.

"Putra me hu"

"Mata rani" I know he won't be able to see me properly because of the dark.

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