Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was the morning of my leg operation, and to say I was nervous was an understatement.

I was practically freaking out.

"Hallie, would you please relax? Everything is going to be fine," Niall laughed as he sat in one of the plastic chairs. He grabbed my hand, making me smile.

"I guess I'm just nervous considering the fact that I'm having a leg surgery done in less than two hours!" I exclaimed.

"Don't underestimate me, everything is going to be fine. Ashton and I are going to start prepping for surgery and Luke and Calum are going to bring you to the OR and stay with you while you wait for the anesthesiologist to come. I will see you after the surgery," Michael said as he kissed my head.

Luke and Calum brought me to the empty and cold OR.

The anesthesiologist walked in with a big smile, getting everything ready and putting something in my IV.

"That stuff is not going to put me to sleep," I muttered stubbornly, seeing all of them laugh.

"We'll see about that," the anesthesiologist put a mask over my nose and mouth.

I found myself getting sleepier and sleepier.

"Don't fight it, Hallie, this isn't a winning battle," Luke laughed.

I fell into a deep sleep.

Calum's POV

I watched as Hallie fell into a deep sleep.

Niall was miserable while sitting in the waiting room.

So, I decided to sit with him.

"Calum, I'm really sorry that I wrecked the car. It's all my fault. I completely understand if you don't want me around Hallie any more."

"Niall, don't be rediculous. They call it an accident for a reason. I know you would never intentionally hurt Hallie, and if you did, I would murder you torturously. Hallie has been through a lot, and she deserves a loving and caring man like you. One that would actually treat her the way she deserves to be treated. I don't think you realize how happy you make Hallie. Hallie and you were made for each other, and don't ever say anything less."

"Hallie loves you more than anything. I can see it in her eyes, and I saw it the moment she saw you. Don't you dare beat yourself up over something so small. Hallie definitely doesn't deserve someone who doesn't even love himself, muchless herself," I told him.

It hurt that Niall beat himself up over the car accident with Hallie, but that's how I knew that he really did love, care, and adore Hallie.

After another three or four hours, the surgery was over and Hallie was awake.

But definitely loopy.

"Niall, there's a caterpillar on you!" She laughed, touching his eyebrow.

We all started cracking up.

"Babe, that's not a caterpillar, that's my eyebrow."

"Well then you should let me wax the caterpillars off of your face," Hallie mumbled.

"I think I'd rather just stick with caterpillars."

"Why? Because they're your only friends?" Hallie smirked before her eyes started getting heavy.

Then she was out cold once again.

"How do you manage to always let her get away with saying those things?" Luke half-laughed while looking at a monitor.

"She's got him whipped," I snickered.

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