Chapter VI: Darkness

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A/N: not edited.
She was astonished by what had happened.

She had felt her wolf and Kelly's wolf bind to one another.

Isla was able to hear Kelly's thoughts, they were all rushing around and mumbled. They were thoughts of fear, confusion, and a little bit of joy at the feeling of having an alpha. They were both no longer rogues in a way. They no longer had that background smell to them, although they still smelt like dirt and sweat.

For Isla, there was only one main thought that went through her mind over and over as she tried to take in the events.

She was an alpha now.

She didn't want her full strength of being an alpha coming out but she could see that the aura of power between here alpha male and her were equal. Would this change his mind about her being a rogue?

Xavier opened the cell door with a hell wrecking force, the silver burning his hand in the process. His burnt flesh filling the air.

"Who the fuck are you?" He grabbed her by the throat, his blood rubbing along the skin of her neck.

She growled lowly, sending a warning that both her wolf and herself weren't happy with this treatment. A born female in an alpha line has never had the power of a male alpha, yet here she was challenging him. She wondered what her father would think if of her if he was able to see her today.

"I am an alpha, so respect me." She grounded out.

A sharp glint in his eyes had her stare falter slightly, he looked like a cold murderer looking for his next kill. His eyes became a dark grey, sharp fangs piercing through his gum showing that he and his wolf were equally in control. She gasped at the sight. A deep guttural growl stirring up from his chest. She could feel the vibration against her own chest with the close proximity.

"Not when you are on my land she wolf ." His grip loosened and she shook him off at that moment. Xavier grabbed her wrist and pulled her down a stair case. The air felt tighter down here and her heart pounded a little faster. She was not sure if it was caused by the tingles that shot through his hand onto her skin or because of the nerves and curiousness that held her soul in the palms of its hands.

In front of her was a black metallic door that Xavier opened which led to another silver door and finally an underground chamber. He pushed Isla down onto the ground and she looked around her as she shouted for him to wait a second, before the door was slammed in her face, casting her into darkness.

"I want you to think about what you have done today, I want you to feel what I know you you will fear. There's no way you're an alpha like me, and I bet your witch craft can't work in here without your connection to the earth, witch" his eyes held a deep anger and coldness to them. Her wolf was confused and panicked with there being no light around her.

It's happening again, isn't it?

She had no clue how long she would have to be down here for but if it was a long period do time then her beast would go insane. The worst part of it all however, was that Kelly probably would too. She was her alpha now and she couldn't be close to her, her was wolf clawing with the need to ensure her pack was safe, yet here she was in pitch black.
She scratched at the door, never shifting into her wolf fully because the space could've been too small.

Her stomach was growling and after how ever many hours she spent clawing, she was slowly losing her energy. She sat in the corner, chewing on her hair. Going in and out of sleep but too scared because as she closed my eyes, she saw him all over again.

More time went by and her wolf became quieter, she was lurking in the back of her head waiting for someone to come get them, thinking this was just some sick joke, but she didn't.

He is probably coming for her again. Just like when she was 11.

Time was a weird concept. Without the indication of a phone, a watch and especially the view of the sunrise and the sunset, she couldn't tell what time it was or what day it was.

Her mate doesn't want her does he, he's going to hand her over to him?

"Alpha!" A feminine voice shouted out to her. Startling her out of her restless sleep. She was hearing things again.

"The alpha of this pack is going insane, his beta is coming to let you out."

Suddenly a bright light hit her eyes causing a dry gasp to come out.

Was he here for her?

"Isla, oh my god you do not look okay at all?"
That male voice sounded familiar, her eyes were a blur as she passed back out into another restless sleep.
No one touch her she's having a seizure. The beta shouted out, commanding someone to grab his medical kit. He grabbed a needle out and dipped it into a solution. The needle sucking it up like a mosquito on blood.

He injected the needle into her, inducing a comatose state. This was needed due to the amount of blood she had lost and that she was continuing to try and scratch herself, she was mentally unstable and the beta questioned what it could've been. The Alpha was nearby but stayed away not wanting to look at the commotion as the young she wolf screamed for her alpha to be okay.

He stayed in the shadows listening to her faint heart beat. He questioned the reality of the sparks that he felt when he touched her and why her slow heart beat was close to causing him a heart attack. He clutched at his chest cussing swear words before walking off and shifting into his wolf, he needed to kill something, a lot of things. He didn't know what to trust and he couldn't put his pack at risk again.

He felt satisfied with the killing of rabbits and especially the kill of a bear he had stumbled upon. Sadly he couldn't use the bears skin to create a memento because he had torn up the skin to pieces with his wolf craving the blood. When he shifted back nothing could be salvaged from the old male bear.

After showering, he followed the scent that he hated but his wolf loved. He scolded his wolf for falling for it again. He wasn't going to be stupid again but nothing could prepare him for the little vixens lifeless big brown eyes looking at him, it was like he was a nobody and that didn't sit well with his wolf, but did it sit well with him. He was unsure. A witch wouldn't stay here to look like this. She could've gotten herself out of there.

Her matted brown hair fell over her shoulders casting a shadow as she looked down.

Where was the fire in her eyes?


© 2018 Emily Rose All Rights Reserved

Alpha Xavier ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang